Lot of yall ktt niggas that said this wasn't rushed are playing dumb now
6 people out of 7 million does not make something rushed.
Antivax/covid skeptics wait for ANY moment to exaggerate all while maintaining that the amount of people dying from the virus is negligible
Also a good chance that the blood clots were a side effect of birth control not the vaccine
We just know nothing so to potentially destroy millions of people's of confidence in the vaccine for what could be nothing is incredibly reckless will cost lives
Should we shut down all beaches because some have sharks? It's essentially the same odds. Literally have a higher chance of being struck by lightning (1 to 500,000)
"The blood clot syndrome, which researchers have dubbed vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia, mimics a similar condition that can be caused by the blood thinner heparin. Scientists believe that the side effect is triggered by an interaction between the antibodies generated in response to the vaccine and a protein called PF4 that can activate platelets in the bloodstream and cause them to start forming clots.
The condition does not arise until the body has had a chance to form antibodies – typically five to 10 days after vaccination – and is not related to the body’s immediate immune response to the vaccine, which can include flu-like symptoms"
it's most like related to the specific vaccines
They wouldn't have paused this without good enough reasons. A lot of ktt arm chair doctors are going to think they know more than the professionals
They wouldn't have paused this without good enough reasons. A lot of ktt arm chair doctors are going to think they know more than the professionals
We see time and time again that public health officials and government officials have no idea what they're doing during the pandemic
America is a legitimate f***ing circus and y'all fall for it every f***ing time
we gonna act like many nations didn’t pause AZ vaccine for a while too?
Or you talking about something else
where my moderna gang at
pops told me 2 days before this, he only jacking the moderna...
thought s*** was cap but he was fr up 2 something
where my moderna gang at
Not looking forward to those side effects after dose 2 tho
Not looking forward to those side effects after dose 2 tho
pfizer dose 1 has me feeling super tired tbh
pfizer dose 1 has me feeling super tired tbh
I took it and I didn't even notice anything
I took it and I didn't even notice anything
i also just started an SSRI like 2 weeks ago too so whenever i feel kinda weird I either blame the vaccine or that LMAO
pfizer boys
fast forward 6 years and this kid has a chief keef feature. Never give up on ur dreams