that would get ugly.
we could be approaching 2020 2.0
i’m sure they would try to say their cases aren’t really that high and that the numbers are made up to make red states look bad lol
6 in 7mil is like 0.0000857% right?
Plenty of posts like this one i’m seeing
6 out of 6 million is not substantial at all tho.
Would love to see the conditions that those 6 had prior.
6 out of 6 million is not substantial at all tho.
Would love to see the conditions that those 6 had prior.
I hope they find that people developing blood clots have a common or similar medical condition so that maybe all they would have do to is advise people with that condition not to get J&J. It’s better than making it unavailable entirely.
I hope they find that people developing blood clots have a common or similar medical condition so that maybe all they would have do to is advise people with that condition not to get J&J. It’s better than making it unavailable entirely.
In nyc, that was like the default option where I got mine at (columbia up at washington heights) which logistically it made sense. One and done makes you more available for more open slots and gets things out faster
After they had us take it, they literally had us sitting in the auditorium area for 30 minutes and kept coming back every 5-10 mins (lowkey annoying but i get it) just to ask about side effects or how we was feeling.
once it has your name on it, it's YOURZ (shoutout to drake)
Johnson&Johnson didnt even pen the vaccine d***head they had a ghost writer (shoutout to drake)
just be happy you got a f***ing vaccine. KTT try to turn anything elite
It’s jokes relax. Jesus
In nyc, that was like the default option where I got mine at (columbia up at washington heights) which logistically it made sense. One and done makes you more available for more open slots and gets things out faster
After they had us take it, they literally had us sitting in the auditorium area for 30 minutes and kept coming back every 5-10 mins (lowkey annoying but i get it) just to ask about side effects or how we was feeling.
Pretty sure that’s how it is for all of the shots
This has terrible implications for anti-vaxxers & ppl who were on the fence
CDC gonna do its traditional walkback once they realize this
I dont know who runs their media decision team (if they have one) but nigga they all have done a horrific job since this pandemic started
My dad just got one on sunday hopefully it’s as rare as they say it is
He woulda had them in the first 30 mins ya pops is good
My dad just got one on sunday hopefully it’s as rare as they say it is
he good.
everyone but these 6 women seem to be in the clear
Moderna gang on this side y’all be easy tho
All jokes aside though this sucks. Hoping it gets resolved quickly
CDC gonna do its traditional walkback once they realize this
I dont know who runs their media decision team (if they have one) but nigga they all have done a horrific job since this pandemic started
The damage is done imo (or soon to be)
Genie out of the bottle type s***
he good.
everyone but these 6 women seem to be in the clear
I'm just so f***ing tired of having new things to get stressed and be worried about
The damage is done imo (or soon to be)
Genie out of the bottle type s***
Yeah my homies is gonna wake up and send that to the group chat and be like " I told yall "
Then I'll have to bring up the stat vs the stats with covid
Then he'll switch the goal post about how this isn't about the vaccine, but how the government is pushing it by force
It's gonna be a repeat back and forth all year with anti and pro vaxers