What did the police do wrong in this and why is this "white america"?. They actually gave him more time to survive by giving him narcan tbh.
Seems like they did everything right
one of my favorite posters of ktt tbh
Anyone saying Juice WRLD killed himself: 🤡
A lot of people would rather die than go to prison so it can’t be entirely dismissed. I understand you’re sad but that doesn’t mean that you know any more about what happened than anyone else here so all guesses are valid.
bro wtf
Dreading to see this autopsy
It’s entirely possible but given the circumstances I’m leaning more towards my theory. He wasn’t a street dude at all, they blessed him in cuz he was their meal ticket. Dude probably was s***ting himself and popped all the percs/xans/whatever the f*** else when he seen them.
with what tmz just reported yup this seems like what most likely happened
So does this fall under suicide now?
maybe accidental, if he was already high on pills he took before mans probably panicked and took them without really thinking
this still doesnt confirm that he took them to hide them although it points towards it
it says "people" (who tf is people) believed it was an attempt to hide them
yall think theres security footage of him taking those pills?
i meant purposely
yall think theres security footage of him taking those pills?
if what that tik tok kid said was true, which seemingly it might be, then yeah
no thats not what im saying at all, im saying that if he found out cops were waiting at the airport to search him, and he knew of the repercussions for carrying that much weed, he may have purposely od’d
it’s all just speculation at this point, and doesnt change s*** because the outcome of every scenario is the worst
Why wouldn't he just flush the pills on the plane?
Tru I Always get em mixed up
Need that comeback
2020 is 22 days away hopefully it comes out early 2020. Need at least a single.