Why is it hilarious? Just because the album didn’t click for you doesn’t mean it doesn’t click for other people. Subjectivity really be kicking y’all ass on here.
A Kind Of Blue
Blonde On Blonde
White Album
Mystic Stylez
Hounds Of Love
That doesn’t answer my question in the slightest
The 5 day window I heard about this album was a good meme
Never heard or read anyone mention it ever again after that
But some people think liquid swords is ass
That’s art dude
Their taste ass
Their taste ass
yes op the first thing i compare a fiona apple album to is f***ing illmatic
Also who in the slightest called this Illmatic tier LMFAO
Also who in the slightest called this Illmatic tier LMFAO
op making up takes just to s*** on them
Damn you got em @op i will never listen to the album again now
This s*** is mad corny. Why are u mad that people enjoy an album. I didn’t even really rock w this album. Some s*** it’s okay to be left out.
I still don’t get what makes something Illmatic tier
Is it the lyrics? Production? Subject matter? Critical acclaim?
This s*** is mad corny. Why are u mad that people enjoy an album. I didn’t even really rock w this album. Some s*** it’s okay to be left out.
Making whole ass threads just to hate on certain albums that are clearly just different genre from s*** you fw is one of the lamest things people do on ktt tbh
Like you need to be really invested in the s*** you shouldn’t even care about to do this lol
Like you can just... ignore this music
Making whole ass threads just to hate on certain albums that are clearly just different genre from s*** you fw is one of the lamest things people do on ktt tbh
Like you need to be really invested in the s*** you shouldn’t even care about to do this lol
Like you can just... ignore this music
Like fr. You saw someone made an anniversary thread and the praise made you feel a way so you made a whole hate thread
Like fr. You saw someone made an anniversary thread and the praise made you feel a way so you made a whole hate thread
That’s really the most bitter s*** man lmfaooo
Like fr. You saw someone made an anniversary thread and the praise made you feel a way so you made a whole hate thread
Can’t just simply let people enjoy things
It's snoozecore