  • Apr 12, 2020

    In the past 10 years, graphics aging badly seems to be getting more and more exclusive to games that try to recreate reality — like making their characters look like real people, and objects look like what we see in real life. (Like the FF7 Remake.)

    But recently, games that go for something more stylized seem to stand the test of time longer. Super Mario Galaxy still looks really good for a 13 year old game. Mirror's Edge Is a game that used reality-based models, but the lighting and architecture is so stylized that it still looks pretty damn good. Or an even older game: Shadow of the Colossus still looks shockingly good. I can see newer games Breath of the Wild, or even Dragon Quest XI to a degree, holding up in the same way years from now.

    i see what youre saying, but games like mirrors edge and mario galaxy look less aged because theyre either very simplistic or have a cartoony style which translates into less detail in textures
    both games got praised for their graphics back when they were released and its only right but they had to do it without all the fine rendered hair, or the detailed textures on faces and rocks which makes it easier on the eyes

    but in the long run theyre definitely the ones who stand the test of time like you said

  • RASIE 🦦
    Apr 12, 2020


    but games like mirrors edge and mario galaxy look less aged because theyre either very simplistic or have a cartoony style which translates into less detail in textures

    That's what i mean by "more stylized" fam

  • Apr 12, 2020


    op got cooked

  • Apr 12, 2020
    2 replies

    Game is absolute dogshit got you 24 year old internet virgins losing your minds

  • Apr 12, 2020

    Game is absolute dogshit got you 24 year old internet virgins losing your minds

    have you played it? im having fun man

  • RASIE 🦦
    Apr 13, 2020

    Game is absolute dogshit got you 24 year old internet virgins losing your minds

    It has it's flaws, but "dogshit" is just being dramatic lol