I hope so. I actually found out about it through my newfound love for Annihilation. I mean, i did know of the existence of the film and also knew that he did Solaris (which i also still haven't seen yet) but yeah Annihilation is what made me finally wanna watch it
I'm prepared for it to be slow, and i'm sure i will not grasp everything on my first watch
Bruhh tarkovsky got me into movies. Havent seen annihilation but i heard that movie was inspired by it so u should love stalker then
nigga is the f***ing GOAT among GOATS.
Yea its a sloooww burn but man. I couldnt imagine it any other way. Tarkovsky is still to this day one of the most unique artists ever imo.
What you watching this week bro
Don't know yet
Gonna go through some iconic films and see if I missed any and if so, who directed it
gonna watch beyond the black rainbow
Damn you starting with BTBR? Mandy a lot more accessible as introduction to Panos Cosmatos but hope you like it any way
People are very split on that film but if you manage to not get distracted by your surrounding and just get in that trance like state, you'll be in for a CRAZY ass ride bro
Damn you starting with BTBR? Mandy a lot more accessible as introduction to Panos Cosmatos but hope you like it any way
People are very split on that film but if you manage to not get distracted by your surrounding and just get in that trance like state, you'll be in for a CRAZY ass ride bro
ima watch mandy too this weekend
Might watch black Christmas but idk if imma be in a horror mood.
Or you could pick this
Watched my first One from Lynch, Eraserhead, gonna continue with elephant man and go on from there, Pretty good shots and acting on his films
Add that last .5 big bro
I got u after rewatch soon
Gonna watch the master and There Will Be Blood this week. New to Paul Anderson filmog and both been on my watchlist for years
Gonna watch the master and There Will Be Blood this week. New to Paul Anderson filmog and both been on my watchlist for years
I think i might have tried to pyo The Master before when i first watched it
Very slow film but my fav Phoenix performance
Have never seen There Will Be Blood either
I'm doing Naked (Mike Leigh) or Sorry We Missed You (Ken Loach)
not seen any films from either of these two
I'm doing Naked (Mike Leigh) or Sorry We Missed You (Ken Loach)
not seen any films from either of these two
cant go wrong with either
Never watched a cronenberg so i watched videodrome
s*** was extra flames.
Naked lunch by Cronenberg might be the weirdest film ive ever seen
Incendies 9/10
Same with me but i immediately rewatched couple days later and now issa 10/10