@cotton_dockers @rwina @kiddash3r @mjpplus @thankmelater @tupacarti @Melz @NIGHTMAN @Tha7osavage @Danny @GoAheadMrJoestar @William1738 @blahblahem @Biginthegame @hemaglox @24stills @MacFoley @happenstance
This week we watching a film that won best picture at the oscars
Just 2 more challenges left after this
Back in this week
Week 10: All About Eve 10/10 - Fantastic in every aspect, every actor and performance was Bette Davis and Anne Baxter specifically give perfect performances, some of my favorite bar none. Reminded me a lot of how I felt when I watched Rashomon for the first time, in the best way possible.
No country for old men 9/10
This will be my Oscar pick too cause I had the ending spoiled somewhat I always put this one off but no longer!
This will be my Oscar pick too cause I had the ending spoiled somewhat I always put this one off but no longer!
I don't think they form a band from what I've been told the bad guys win wow
No Country great movie shame about all suspense being gone but can't deny the craft!
No Country great movie shame about all suspense being gone but can't deny the craft!
The antagonist was legendary