Guys do I need to play FF VII Remake to play this? I loved the one with Clive and Dominants
You need to know the story of the Remake, Rebirth a direct sequel to that one
Just started tonight. Why am I alternating holding triggers to turn valves and crawl ah man this s*** gonna be hella drawn out huh
Nah that’s legit only in the first chapter.
I think I remember reading an article where they said they initially were developing to release on the ps4 pro, so they had to do some of that bottle neck loading s*** but after the first chapter it doesn’t happen again at all. Well it hasnt for me at least and I’m in ch 10.
I don't like this lil turk b**** elena
I miss my girl from crisis core
there's multiple times throughout this story that they could've sliced the throat of some of these s***ty shinra leaders
and absolutely should have
for a essentially terrorist organization they kinda p****
there's multiple times throughout this story that they could've sliced the throat of some of these s***ty shinra leaders
and absolutely should have
for a essentially terrorist organization they kinda p****
Lmao you on demon time this Sunday
there's multiple times throughout this story that they could've sliced the throat of some of these s***ty shinra leaders
and absolutely should have
for a essentially terrorist organization they kinda p****
They're "eco terrorists"
They just like blowing up s***
They're "eco terrorists"
They just like blowing up s***
They've all directly or indirectly killed people at this point, someone shoulda got serious and handled business
I mean Barret walks around with a gatling gun for an arm he is a murderer and Cloud is crazy, what more do you need
I’m on chapter 2 f***ing around and I can confidently say this is already my GOTY lmao
I’m on chapter 2 f***ing around and I can confidently say this is already my GOTY lmao
Just actually got to chapter 3, nothing is really topping this game this yr, scale wise at least
Just actually got to chapter 3, nothing is really topping this game this yr, scale wise at least
exactly bro this is immaculate
Just started tonight. Why am I alternating holding triggers to turn valves and crawl ah man this s*** gonna be hella drawn out huh
You have no idea
The bloated tedious open-world is such a shame because it easily could’ve been filled with interesting things to do, considering how fantastic the characters and story are
Cosmo canyon and the gongaga forest are a nightmare to navigate and doing it just to find the 100th life stream where I press triangle three times feels like a slap in the face from the devs
Just started and ngl this game a little overwhelming; also idk if it’s just my game but traversing the open world (and I mean by foot) is a bit jumpy and odd. Like why is cloud just rapidly rising up small cliffs with no animation as if he’s just taking a regular step forward ☠️
Nah go back to your fake voice smh
Well his older voice is probably how he will sound older which is like 4 years human time maybe lol
Square enix game designers brainstorming the open-world:
“towers, climb and press triangle. Genius lets put 40 of them in the game”
“lifestream, find and press triangle 3 times. Genius lets put 40 of them in the game “
“summon crystals, press a pattern of buttons. genius lets put 25 of them in the game”
“Combat assignments, pressure and stagger the enemy. Genius lets put 100 of them in the game”
“Well that wraps up world intel, let’s go home for the day guys.”
meanwhile the artists and musicians and writers on the game are pouring their f***ing souls into making a masterpiece