I love how this game is basically about climate change and you’re a bunch of eco terroists trying to save the world
I love how this game is basically about climate change and you’re a bunch of eco terroists trying to save the world
The Princess mononoke of video games
edit: both came out in 1997
The reward loop for the open world content is good. They all feed into each other in a way that makes them feel good to complete.
The actual sidequests are worth doing for the character stories and music alone. The dog song and Kyrie song kill me bruh. The little Barret moment you get during the dog quest is great, too. The dog quest granting you access to Crow's Nest which leads you to the Kyrie quest and Condor quest is so good.
Them putting actual stories behind QB and Protorelics is nuts. This game is so massive and detailed. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger and doesnt stop. Every little thing that they could've done it feels like they did. The date scene is a perfect example. They took that s*** to one billion
tifa's comically large t*** and flat ass kill me man
That's how some women are though lol they have 1 or the other. Some have both
You play the OG or the first part of the remake?
Played first part of remake but never played the OG
Played first part of remake but never played the OG
It will start making sense soon. Pay attention to the narrative about Hojo altering people w Mako.
tifa's comically large t*** and flat ass kill me man
lots of women aren’t proportionally curvy all over, that’s normal
Nibelheim Region lighting is absolutely atrocious
I feel it’s too bright in some areas. The PC version will fix a lot of the small technical issues though.
lots of women aren’t proportionally curvy all over, that’s normal
Literally Sydney Sweeney. No one thinks about her ass lol
The reward loop for the open world content is good. They all feed into each other in a way that makes them feel good to complete.
The actual sidequests are worth doing for the character stories and music alone. The dog song and Kyrie song kill me bruh. The little Barret moment you get during the dog quest is great, too. The dog quest granting you access to Crow's Nest which leads you to the Kyrie quest and Condor quest is so good.
Them putting actual stories behind QB and Protorelics is nuts. This game is so massive and detailed. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger and doesnt stop. Every little thing that they could've done it feels like they did. The date scene is a perfect example. They took that s*** to one billion
I’m on chapter 11 and it’s still getting bigger
Literally Sydney Sweeney. No one thinks about her ass lol
yep you nailed it, tifa is built like Sydney Sweeney. Spot on.
This is the most bang for buck 70 dollar game so far
63 hours chapter 11
prolly got like 30 hours left too
S***s MMO content in a single player game and it don’t feel like filler
I feel it’s too bright in some areas. The PC version will fix a lot of the small technical issues though.
Yea, and for the first time since FFX I’m going to come back and play this over and over and over again so I’m looking forward to the PC release.
My only gripes w this game are technical issues that can be worked out w more polish and power from the PC.
Final Fantasy is f***in back. This is the best game Square Enix has made in a long, long, long time.
Yea, and for the first time since FFX I’m going to come back and play this over and over and over again so I’m looking forward to the PC release.
My only gripes w this game are technical issues that can be worked out w more polish and power from the PC.
Final Fantasy is f***in back. This is the best game Square Enix has made in a long, long, long time.
Quality wise it’s back for sure, but the sales are reportedly real bad, so it might end up being the last hurrah
this games music is really interesting. it's not that it's like blowing me away track after track but I like how diverse it is and that the tracks are consistently pretty good if not better
the trap chocobo song had me so confused lmao who tf cooked that up. I feel like I'mma be thinking about that all game
this games music is really interesting. it's not that it's like blowing me away track after track but I like how diverse it is and that the tracks are consistently pretty good if not better
the trap chocobo song had me so confused lmao who tf cooked that up. I feel like I'mma be thinking about that all game
best soundtrack in years imo
best soundtrack in years imo
Yea it’s been great so far. I’m just hoping it has one or two of those tracks that I play for years
Quality wise it’s back for sure, but the sales are reportedly real bad, so it might end up being the last hurrah
Zero chance this is the last hurrah. The sales are down because it is a PS5 exclusive that it is a remake of an old game.
They are already talking about DLC for this. The game is a massive critical success, their biggest since FFXII.
making a full cait sith dungeon and then adding in some wacky throwing mechanic was a 0/10 decision