I watched the scene with Barrett crying over that random dude who apparently is the father of Marlene and I’m like 😐😐 damn this is some s*** writing and acting
tbf they know their audience. I see posts from the nerds in the final fantasy subreddit crying over parts of the game every day
Oh wow
Yeah it’s 1:1 of the OG basically besides a couple added changes and movement of locations for part 3. This part was going place to place searching for Sephiroth, later end of this game is where the story picks up. You’re suppose to take in the journey and how the world map opens up after Midgar, letting you explore like the OG game. This is all still disc 1 btw of the OG lol Part 3 is officially disc 2
That's because there is no story in this lol. This is a slice of life game with some fighting
Part 3 I hope has all the weapon bosses. And I mean including the few that are only in the other parts of the compilation that weren’t in OG.
Also can’t wait to see all of Vincent’s Limit break transformations. So dope.
tbf they know their audience. I see posts from the nerds in the final fantasy subreddit crying over parts of the game every day
I mean ff and like games can have good writing but so far the story has been a slog for me personally.
That scene in particular it was written like it was supposed to be this big giant reveal and I was supposed to cry over it and I’m like dude I just met you 5 minutes ago I don’t care
Anyways enough story complaints game is fun as hell and love the mini games
Queen's Blood probably the greatest mini game ever created
Best card game made in a game ever (Gwent sucks d*** and I won’t be afraid to admit it)
Protorelic end
I’m at the last bit after struggling with Odin, and to get the Genji equipment you have to defeated every summon you have TWO at a time.
Anyways enough story complaints game is fun as hell and love the mini games
Who ever designed the hover/flight mechanics of the chocobo in Cosmo Canyon deserves to get shot out of a cannon though tbh.
Queen's Blood probably the greatest mini game ever created
Did you ever play the FF8 card game?
Also the Yakuza Cabaret Club is the best I am afraid.
Who ever designed the hover/flight mechanics of the chocobo in Cosmo Canyon deserves to get shot out of a cannon though tbh.
I’ve been trying to keep quiet about this, but yes.
How the f*** are you supposed to land in specific areas if you can’t control the f***ing camera to see it
on chapter 12 doing a lot of cleanup before i continue but luckily i’m off today so when i get out of class i plan on playing all day tbh hopefully i can finish it up
man this is so annoying, i’m doing the combat simulator on chapter 13 rn and so far i’m done with all of them besides “Gongaga Region Intel Level 2”
it’s locked for me and says i have 19/20 enemies battled in the region but i’ve literally fought them all and assessed them all??
man this is so annoying, i’m doing the combat simulator on chapter 13 rn and so far i’m done with all of them besides “Gongaga Region Intel Level 2”
it’s locked for me and says i have 19/20 enemies battled in the region but i’ve literally fought them all and assessed them all??
Have you fought a Baby Grangalan?
Once you get to the end of the fight he'll do a move called Tempus Finis, then if you don't kill him during that he'll do an Octaslash which can't be weakened, iirc.
Double casted thundaga inside aerith’s ward and it took care of him
First impression seeing it I didn’t know if I liked it or not either but it was when I just watched it play through with a fresh mind trying to understand what it is I’m seeing and liking it more and more. Cloud doesn’t think she’s dead since he’s f\*\*\*ed in the head and I think getting visions of another timeline. He keeps misremembering stuff as well. So I think in part 3 when they have to recollect cloud’s memories we will get the accurate depiction of her death. Well that’s what I think they should do because I agree with you lol
Ya thats prolly where theyll throw in the scene of cloud putting her in the water
Just finished last night, i love this game
It is really something else
over 150 hours done just like that
I have a feeling of emptiness now
Is Nibelheim the last location of the story?
I'm ready to wrap this up, I gotta get back to Yakuza and I really wanna play unicorn overlord before Stellar Blade drops