dude F*** this boot camp golden saucer queenโs blood challenge. I have spent a literal 2 hours trying to beat it but the AI f***s me at the very end every single time
What is up with the gang caring about killing the Turks lmao. They're AWFUL people and want to kill you besides one person.
Seeing cloud interact with Gilgamesh got me crine
wtf Is going on
What the F*** is this final boss?!
beat gilgamesh tonite. done with most the main stuff imma probably play from this game for now
incredible game
put like 70 hours in overall
this and remake are just insane
they're beautiful
What the F*** is this final boss?!
When the music comes in though
I feel like Aerith is musty.
First the boots then this
Just a hunch
Finally beat this. Will happily dive into some side content now
As annoying as the fight was, I live for long ass final bosses like this one. I always loved how many bosses final fantasy games throws at you
What's the explanation to Sephiroth being able to instant teleport to any f***ing where
final section of this final battle hoeing me
Alright finally beat this thing
Damn that was a long one
And cloud is f\*\*\*ing crazy
I also don't really get how all the magical connecting supernatural bullshit works here they kinda lost me with some of that
Nah what is this Kingdom Hearts ass final boss fight, am I fighting Ansem??
Nvm they got obliterated
The best FF game and one of the best JRPG ever made. I put this up there with the likes of P5R and Xenoblade 2. I say that as a FF fan who does not have a hard on for OG FF 7. No nostalgia goggles on this side, this game dumpsters OG in every way imaginable.
FF had been on a rocky road for a while now. I enjoyed the 13 trilogy for what it was. 15 was fairly mediocre but at least it was FF. 16 was s***. FF7 Remake was pretty good but nothing mind blowing. So overall in the HD era I'd say the franchise was up and down but I hope rebirth is a sign of things to come.
This game reeks of passion and the environments, characters, world, music, cut scenes, etc are all top notch. So much care went into it all. Voice acting is mostly good or great.
This is definitely one of the best iterations of ATB in the series and synergies were a welcomed addition. Difficulty felt fair, not turn your brain off piss easy, and each character feels different but enjoyable. Side quests are mostly good or great, rewards are appropriate. Character and enemy progression is solid.
As far as side content goes, mini games and what not. I welcome these, most of them are optional and offer rewards that are good but not entirely game breaking. I skipped hard mode on one of the mini games since I wanted to focus more on completing the game. I didn't run into any mini game that I felt was awful enough to detract from my experience with the game. All of them were fairly simple and didn't take more than a few tries once you get the hang of it.
If I had to offer some feedback for things I'd like to see going forward. Mostly QoL improvements. I want better sorting options for equipment, accessories, materia. I want to have a favorite option for weapon abilities so that you aren't scrolling through a list trying to find a move further down, let us sticky an additional 4 or 5 moves to the top of the list at all times. I do not want the best equipment, gear, and materia locked to post game. I would've liked to craft the genji gear but it's hard mode only. No thanks.
Very much looking forward to the end of this trilogy and I hope the mainline team is taking notes for FF 17.
Nah what is this Kingdom Hearts ass final boss fight, am I fighting Ansem??
Nvm they got obliterated
Damn near lol