unpopular opinion but Jessie my queen on this, she be h**** as s***
unpopular opinion but Jessie my queen on this, she be h**** as s***
100% agreed, she wants it so bad.
Cloud needs to take a break and smash everyone that wants to be smashed tbh.
100% agreed, she wants it so bad.
Cloud needs to take a break and smash everyone that wants to be smashed tbh.
don't think I ever seen such a h**** character in a game before bro, she really had me laughing fr
Tifa making me act up
The textures in cloud apartment are textures straight from 1997 wtf is this s*** lmfaoo
Realistically how many parts we thinking this gonna be?
I’m thinking trilogy
I’m thinking Next game ends with you know who’s death
Then the last one will have all of the disc 2 and 3 stuff
Man was Cloud this much of a goddamn player in the og version.
Everybody thirsting for him hard af and he's honestly the coolest protagonist in a long while.
This how I know its a fantasy game.
Nobody that sexy is not getting their p**** completely DESTROYED whenever they want it
Jessie wants cloud so bad in this wtf
I don't ever remember Jessie being like this in the OG lmfaoo
honestly they did such a good job with her here, they added so much personality to her character I don't actually think she was that memorable in the OG
unpopular opinion but Jessie my queen on this, she be h**** as s***
bruh facts i was just bouta say jessie highkey bout it.
Man I know she got that THANG underneath that damn skirt smhhhh
i know it be BUSSIN.
FF16 got a lot to live up to graphics wise cause this game looks insane
Dont even think they should make a new one after how long 15 took.
Just finish remaking 7 and call it
Maybe remake a couple others
Dont even think they should make a new one after how long 15 took.
Just finish remaking 7 and call it
Maybe remake a couple others
Yeah I’d be embarrassed to release another FF after how good this remake is.
They should end on a high note and cut this s***.
Just keep remaking VII every decade and I’m good.