Just get a good director and go back to fantasy settings and I’d be hyped for it
Just get a good director and go back to fantasy settings and I’d be hyped for it
Don’t square have access to the nier automata guy. Let him direct a FF game
Don’t square have access to the nier automata guy. Let him direct a FF game
Yeah a lot of people asking for him. iirc a Square producer said he wanted him to do a FF and he said he’d do any job as long as they pay him enough lol
I said that’ll be enough. What did you not understand about this.
Now talk about FFVII or leave or you’ll catch a ban.
KTT isn’t my life like yours. I’m not f***ed up about a ban bro
God why this game got me so h****
Even Doom, the OG of OG’s paying their respects and tribute.
Makes me shed a tear honestly.
Anyone have to wait for the game to install after you beat Chapter 1??
I’m all about that physical copy life, so no it’s a smooth play through for me.
This how I know its a fantasy game.
Nobody that sexy is not getting their p**** completely DESTROYED whenever they want it
You’d be surprised
honestly would love more remakes of this quality, like 8, 9, or 10
If they remade 9, people would finally be able to realize it’s the best Final Fantasy OAT
Jesus 10 hours in and this is phenomenal to me. I’m loving pretty much everything from the direction, music, graphics and shading, and the gameplay got my D*** HARD
All I pray for is for a camera/photo mode update
was hoping to play this all day but got hit with a random ass snow storm last night, lost power and now my s*** won’t be back on until Sunday night
Switching between party members and coordinating attacks and strategies is so much fun. I hadn’t died once until I got to the air buster boss fight and got my ass handed to me like 3 times. Had to save the replay of that fight, whole thing felt too epic
Need a patch to fix these s***ty textures ASAP if these not texture loading issues and they are actually the final assets tho