Get something to fill the air; music or incense, a candle
Coworker gave me a lil speaker from his other job definitely helps
Was never an issue for me. I really enjoy my space and my alone time, especially after I spend like 72 hours straight with people on the weekends.
It does help that a few of my good friends live within walking distance if I ever do get lonely.
I would say after work, see my friends if we made plans or if they're also on campus
But being alone? Idk not much atm tbh, maybe cooking dinner
If i got some weed then i guess that but i don't wanna fall into that trap lol
i smoke a lot of weed. i could see it as a trap, especially if it's not legal where you're at but it's also okay to indulge and unwind sometimes.
i know video games aren't super productive but if i can't get face to face time with my friends, playing something online is a fun way to collaborate and share + listen to and with my friends who live near and far.
i occupy a lot of my time with cleaning my house & working on music, which both make me feel fulfilled and accomplished. working out too (but i slack way too much w/ that one for now).
also potentially unproductive but maybe pick up a new show or a book that sounds interesting to you. a tv show, podcast or some stand up comedy helps me feel less alone in the house at night, idk why
Make your apartment feel like home; add a rug, painting, make it look nice, houseplants
Also this. Make the space truly yours so that you look forward to spending time in it.
Was never an issue for me. I really enjoy my space and my alone time, especially after I spend like 72 hours straight with people on the weekends.
It does help that a few of my good friends live within walking distance if I ever do get lonely.
Got 2 friends who live less than 10 mins from me but we don't always have time to hang out especially my boy who has a gf lol
S***post on ktt all day and night
This and tiktok
there's a big difference between being lonely and alone learn to appreciate aloneness it really helps you find solitude and more importantly who you are it also prepares you for instances for when people want to opt out of your life unknowingly and it won't affect you at all in the slightest because you're at your best with your self love.
This is where hobbies come in handy.
Besides. Idk about y'all. But between a girl, and full time job, I don't feel like I have enough time in the day. Even cutting the girl portion out, I feel like after college Monday to Friday afternoon feels like I got 4 hours a day to spare. Plus cooking cleaning, not even that sometimes lol
Make your apartment feel like home; add a rug, painting, make it look nice, houseplants
Tru gonna be decorating my shyt more i got some stuff to bring from my moms already
Been kinda busy tho
Podcasts help too lowkey
Just wanna hear people talk when Im alone to fill that void
that’s how op can deal w it no?
Hey man, that’s not okay. I hope your doing well
i smoke a lot of weed. i could see it as a trap, especially if it's not legal where you're at but it's also okay to indulge and unwind sometimes.
i know video games aren't super productive but if i can't get face to face time with my friends, playing something online is a fun way to collaborate and share + listen to and with my friends who live near and far.
i occupy a lot of my time with cleaning my house & working on music, which both make me feel fulfilled and accomplished. working out too (but i slack way too much w/ that one for now).
also potentially unproductive but maybe pick up a new show or a book that sounds interesting to you. a tv show, podcast or some stand up comedy helps me feel less alone in the house at night, idk why
It's legal but i don't wanna get in the habit of smoking every night again like i used to, made me a bit sluggish
You're right all of those things help even if it's a lil bit
Gotta give my alone time more direction
Embrace it my brother. It’s liberating. Find comfort and the freedom to do what you want, when you want, however you want