Shyt kinda crayz
Lived w my mom my whole life then moved out with a friend
Now i got my own studio apartment
It's great and i like that i have all this privacy, live closer to my friends and work/school but it does get lonely sometimes
During the day i'm fine, i work on campus and see multiple friends of mine pretty much everyday and my colleagues are great
But when i get home at night it's different, i find myself staying on campus longer just to avoid being completely alone at home
People that live or lived alone how did u get over it? Or was it never a problem for u. Did u just have to go thru an adjustment period or what
Find a girl and live with her asap
Get a pet
I was thinking of getting a cat but it's not allowed in this building
I think your problem is not knowing how to fill your free time
I mean i know how to i have hobbies and interests, it's really just even the last hour or 2 before going to bed where im not doing anything
Like just the feeling of staying in this place all alone
you’re an extroverted soul
Yeah i'm a lot more extroverted than i used to think i was
Happy there aren't lockdowns i would go f***ing insane living alone
Im jealous
I feel like there’s so much you can do. I never really understood how people are uncomfortable with alone time
You even mentioned it’s not even all day. It’s just when you come back home after school. You got like 8 hours to kill just vibe bro. Play some games, watch some TV, study, go to the gym, self teach yourself something, read, get a pet. Idk man you’re literally by yourself and you can do anything.
Even before I moved out I was extremely comfortable being alone. Eating out solo, going to concerts/shows, shopping. If I wanted to do something I didn’t care if it was just gonna be me. Living by myself was a seamless transition.
Get any kind of pet @op
Also the responsibility/schedule helps with the pockets of boredom or monotony
I had a girl coming over last weekend
It was cool she stayed the night
But she got too attached too quick and i got spooked
She was prolly deeply lonely.
Pretty much just enjoy ur own company. Hobbies, learn things about urself, and all that.
And can always invite friends over and s***
Roffa bro
Ayee gangy. Idk if you have a job already but im currently working at a bar which introduced me to a lot of new people. Im also trying to sign up for futsal this year thru Erasmus as well. DK if youre into sports but the EUR offers loads of activities that could help you