Fish Alien

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  • Sep 26, 2022
    1 reply
    Jowe Buddew

    "Clarity is learned by being patient in the presence of chaos.

    Tolerating disarray, remaining at rest, gradually one learns to allow muddy water to settle and proper responses to reveal themselves."

    "Having little, you can receive much. Having much, you'll just become confused."

    "Nature is sparing with speech:

    "Concentrate on power and you'll experience power. Concentrate on loss and you'll experience loss."

    "The best lock has no bolt, and no one can open it.

    The best knot uses no rope, and no one can untie it."

    where you getting these quotes?

  • Sep 26, 2022
    1 reply

    where you getting these quotes?

  • Sep 26, 2022
    1 reply

    !dream undiscovered deep sea creature

  • Sep 26, 2022

    "Moving from knowing to not knowing
    this is good.

    Moving from not knowing to knowing
    this is sickness.

    You have to become sick of your sickness before you can get rid of it.

    The sage isn't sick.
    He's sick of his sickness.
    Therefore he's not sick."

  • Sep 26, 2022

    !dream undiscovered deep sea creature

    Well now it's discovered

  • Sep 26, 2022
    Jowe Buddew

    Nice lighting

    Nice book

  • Oct 27, 2022

  • Oct 27, 2022

    The sea is vast...

    Many things to see, more to do.

    Virtually Limitless.

    Don't loose it to the self.

  • Oct 27, 2022
  • Oct 28, 2022

    Awesome thread

  • Oct 30, 2022
  • Oct 30, 2022
    1 reply

    Is this aquatic enough

  • Oct 30, 2022

    Oceanplugg the new wave

  • Oct 30, 2022
    1 reply

    Is this aquatic enough

    It's like coming out of a thunderstorm riding on Lugia with 16 bit graphics

  • Oct 30, 2022
    Jowe Buddew

    It's like coming out of a thunderstorm riding on Lugia with 16 bit graphics

    sounds amazing lol

  • Nov 1, 2022
    1 reply
    Jowe Buddew

    Thoughts on free will and intuition

    External will is the material world that confides us. The relationship between external and internal will is that where there is a degree of determinism, it is not a linear entity.

    As nanoparticles do not exist in a "set" progression based on human perception neither does human will, the quantum nature of human existence is or can naively be reduced down to the capacity for the individual to exert internal will, which I believe to changes the whole (external will).

    The alternative being that there is no free-will and all beliefs are deterministic. Happy-sad are not a choice. This case would reduce everything down to external will. To some end this may be the case as it can be argued there is no true "free-will".

    There must be some correlation between will, intuition, and lucidity.

    Higher levels of "lucidity" lead to higher levels of "intuition", leading to higher levels of "will", leading an individual to have a the propensity to have a larger effect on the external whole, deterministic or not.

    Lucidity -> intuition -> will -> impact

    Lucidity: the ability to "control" or have some form of agency over thoughts. The ability to ascribe "purpose" to thoughts.

    Intuition: the thoughts that arise when in a lucid state

    Will: the ability to act on intuition

    The highest earthly "possession" is not of the material. It is the ability to be lucid. Clear headed understanding of ones thoughts enable an individual to have access to more pieces of the "external whole", with a higher fidelity. To see things "as they are" rather than what they are.



  • Nov 1, 2022
    Jowe Buddew



    overall i agree always views freedom as someone who has control over the options they have and the ability to make a clear decision to carry out

    otherwise without this control to do or not to do anything you just become slave to the various external influences acting on you

  • Nov 1, 2022
  • Nov 2, 2022
  • Nov 26, 2022
    Jowe Buddew

    God's not finished

  • Nov 27, 2022
    1 reply

    Fish are stupid and cant think

  • Nov 27, 2022

    Fish are stupid and cant think

    What is the correlation between think and intelligence?

  • Nov 28, 2022
  • Nov 28, 2022

    "As a unifying discourse the literary standpoint is also flawed. Its chief problem is its inability to exit from the self-created prison of the text. Here the answer to the Cartesian dilemma of doubt is a singular moment of certainty: there is text. This moment rapidly gives way, however, to the redoubt that the conclusion is a textual strategy In the end, there is nothing outside of text, and most cogently, no promise of anything we might call a science. As a human scientist one could scarcely take an interest in poverty, conflict, the economy, history, government, and so on, for these are but terms lodged within a textual-rhetorical history. There is no social critique to be made, nothing to resist, nothing to champion, and, indeed, no action to be taken, for the very idea of "action to be taken" is an extension of linguistic convention. In addition to the unrelievable torpor invited by such a conclusion, literary-rhetorical a***ysis in its pure form can offer no account of human communication. Not only is doubt cast on the very idea of communication (it is simply a term within texts), but if we understand only through linguistic convention, there is no means of comprehending anyone who does not participate in the same conventions. In effect, authen- tic understanding can only take place with someone who is identical to oneself. "

  • Nov 28, 2022

    "The terms and forms by which we achieve understanding of the world and ourselves are social artifacts products of historically and culturally situated interchanges among people. For constructionists, descriptions and explanations are neither driven by the world as it is, nor are they the inexorable outcome of genetic or structural propensities within the individual. Rather, they are the result of human coordination of action. Words take on their meaning only within the context of ongoing relationships. They are, in Shotter's (1984) terms, the result not of individual action and reaction but of joint-action. Or, in Bakhtin's (1981) sense, words are inherently "inter individual." This means that to achieve intelligibility is to participate in a reiterative pattern of relationship, or if sufficiently extended, a tradition t is only by virtue of sustaining some form of past relationship that we can make sense at all. And in this way, intelligible accounts of the world and the self are everywhere and at all times constrained."
