Fish Alien

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  • Nov 28, 2022

  • Nov 28, 2022

  • Dec 3, 2022
  • Dec 3, 2022

  • Dec 3, 2022

  • Dec 3, 2022

    "In the same way, scientific enclaves reach conclusions that carry the sense of transparent objectivity. By selecting certain configurations to count as "objects," "processes," or "events," and by generating consensus about the occasions upon which the descriptive language is to apply, a conversational world is formed of which the sense of "objective validity" is a byproduct (Shotter 1993b). Thus, as scientists we may come to agree that on certain occasions we shall call various configurations "aggressive behavior," "prejudice," "unemployment," and so on, not because there simply is aggression, prejudice, and unemployment "in the world" but because these terms allow us to index various configurations in ways that we find socially use- ful. It is thus that communities of scientists can reach consensus, for exam- ple, about "the nature of aggression," and feel justified in calling such conclusions "objective." However, cut away from the social processes responsible for establishing and negotiating reference, the conclusions lapse into mere formalisms."

  • Dec 3, 2022

    "A premium is thus placed on the critical evaluation of various intelligibilities from exterior positions, exploring the impact of these intelligibilities on the broader forms of cultural life. What does the culture gain or lose if we constitute the world in the terms of the economist, the military strategist, the ecologist, the psychologist, the feminist, and so on? How is cultural life improved or impoverished as the vocabularies and practices of these communities expand or proliferate? This is not to privilege the evaluation over the intelligibilities and practices in question; the moral or political lament, for example, does not constitute the "final word" on such matters. However, because such evaluations are essentially outgrowths of other communities of meaning-other ways of life-it is to open the door to a fuller interweaving of the disparate communities of meaning. If evaluations can be communicated in ways that can be absorbed by those under scrutiny, relational boundaries are softened.

    As the otherwise alien signifiers interpenetrate, so do otherwise alien communities begin to cohere. Evaluative dialogue, then, may constitute a significant step toward a humane society."

  • Dec 13, 2022
  • Dec 24, 2022
    Saul Goodman

    semi autonomous 🐬

  • Dec 31, 2022
  • Dec 31, 2022
  • Dec 31, 2022
    1 reply

    Technology is inherently biological

  • Dec 31, 2022
  • Dec 31, 2022
    1 reply
    Jowe Buddew

    Technology is inherently biological

    What does that even mean?

  • Dec 31, 2022

    What does that even mean?

    I inputted the phrase into the ai and it spit this out.

    "Technology can be seen as an extension of human biology, as it is often designed and created by humans to meet specific needs and desires. However, technology is not inherently biological in the sense that it is not a living organism. Rather, it is a tool or system that is created and used by living beings, such as humans, to perform tasks or accomplish goals.

    Technology can also be seen as a way for humans to augment or extend their biological capabilities. For example, eyeglasses allow people to see more clearly, and hearing aids allow people to hear more clearly. These technologies allow people to better utilize their biological senses, and can enhance their overall functioning and quality of life."

  • Dec 31, 2022
    2 replies

    It allows us to diversify in ways that may be seen as "non biological", but due to it coming from biological underpinnings it still is just methods for biological diversification to occur just at faster rates than previously.

    But that doesn't mean that the results are not biological.

  • Dec 31, 2022
    Jowe Buddew

    It allows us to diversify in ways that may be seen as "non biological", but due to it coming from biological underpinnings it still is just methods for biological diversification to occur just at faster rates than previously.

    But that doesn't mean that the results are not biological.

    From the ai

    "In the context of life diversifying, technology can be seen as a way for living beings, including humans, to adapt and evolve in response to their environment. Technology allows living beings to develop new tools, systems, and methods for interacting with and manipulating their environment, which can help them to survive and thrive in new and challenging situations.

    For example, the development of agriculture allowed humans to cultivate and grow their own food, which allowed them to settle in one place and form communities. This, in turn, allowed humans to develop new technologies, such as writing and the wheel, which further expanded their capabilities and allowed them to diversify and adapt in new ways.

    Similarly, the development of transportation technologies, such as cars and airplanes, has allowed humans to travel and explore new areas, which has allowed them to adapt to and thrive in a wide range of environments. Technology has also allowed humans to communicate and connect with other living beings in new and innovative ways, which has further facilitated the exchange of ideas and the sharing of knowledge and resources.

    Overall, technology can be seen as a way for living beings, including humans, to diversify and adapt to their environment in new and innovative ways. While technology is not itself a living organism, it is a tool that is created and used by living beings to accomplish specific goals and to adapt to their environment."

  • Dec 31, 2022

    So what I'm saying is that while technology has the ability to breaks the mold of what we colloquially define as human that isn't inherently a bad thing. Life enshrouds human and diversification that occurs outside of our typical scope will now be made possible by technology allowing individuals to niche of in ways that allow for further specialization, something that Is occuring due to increased population and competition for similar resources. Just thinking about specialization within career paths and the mental archetypes that come forth from those paths. Technology just further enables that and will enable diversification beyond the scope of the career. Physiological changes that radically alter the "human" experience are on the horizon and that isn't necessarily a bad thing, it just is simply the progression of life itself occuring rapidly to account for a rapidly changing environment.

  • Dec 31, 2022

    🐟 👽

  • Jan 1, 2023

    The Eerie, Influential Afterlife of ‘Ecco the Dolphin’


  • 8J6 🤴🏼
    Jan 1, 2023
    1 reply
    Jowe Buddew

    It allows us to diversify in ways that may be seen as "non biological", but due to it coming from biological underpinnings it still is just methods for biological diversification to occur just at faster rates than previously.

    But that doesn't mean that the results are not biological.

    Son I was just talking about this last night crazy. Technology is as natural as we are.

    Birds build bird nests, Humans build AI

  • Jan 1, 2023

    Son I was just talking about this last night crazy. Technology is as natural as we are.

    Birds build bird nests, Humans build AI

    When we having the conference?
