"You ask what that is? It is his spirit, and the perfection of his reason in that spirit. For man is a rational animal. Man's ideal state is realized when he has fulfilled the purpose for which he was born. And what is it that reason demands of him? Something very easy - that he live in accordance with his own nature. Yet this is turned into something difficult by the madness that is universal among men; we push one another into vices. And how can people be called back to spiritual well-being when no one is trying to hold them back and the crowd is urging them on?" - letters from a stoic
"My answer is this: a mass crowd. It is something to which you cannot entrust yourself yet without risk at any rate am ready to confess my own frailty in this respect never come back home with quite the same moral character I went out with; something one or other becomes un- settled where I had achieved internal peace, some other of the things I had put to flight reappears on the scene. We who are recovering from a prolonged spiritual sickness are in the same condition as invalids who have been affected to such an extent by prolonged indisposition that they cannot once be taken out of doors without ill effects. Associating with people in large numbers is actually harmful: there is not one of them that will not make some vice or other attractive to us, or leave us carrying the imprint of it or bedaubed all unawares with it."
"Waves: pulses of energy, echoes of power, children of the struggle between ocean and atmosphere, endless song of circulation. Vibrations put into motion by the harmonic resonance, the insistent music of the spheres, ocean waves are the ongoing signatures of infinity, eternity and the miraculous. They are the gifts of the invisible to the visible (energy into air into liquid), the voices of intelligent silence, the incarnation of the molecular soul in corporeal reality. "