In the studio with Arca and Sega Bodega a classic.
sega is nice though i was listening to that covers ep he dropped on bandcamp last year havent checked out any of his other s*** though i should tho
So we know she said she has a project close to completion, has she ever said anywhere it's coming this year?
New song coming for the Kingsman soundtrack you think it will be on the album?
do you think it will be on the album?
I think she changed it to just being a mixtape, possible it might be on it the same way abel put earned it on BBTM
really hope it’s on her next project
dope track, very cinematic
Would be a major slapper if they didnt f*** up the mixing on Cee’s verse
new snippet, Weeknd Feature
This sounds incredible
tears/crying in the club about as generic as you can get but it sounds fire and twigs deserves a fun, lowkey album after the emotional tirade of magdalene.
tears/crying in the club about as generic as you can get but it sounds fire and twigs deserves a fun, lowkey album after the emotional tirade of magdalene.
how is it generic? ORN felt the most generic to me so far
how is it generic? ORN felt the most generic to me so far
i'm not sure what ORN is, but all i meant was that the phrase/concept of "crying in the club" has been done quite a bit. it's cliche.
i'm not speaking on the song cause it's not out yet. of course she'll put whatever spin on it she does, if that's at all possible.