you know how there was a conservative twitter meltdown over scaremongering over tiktoks of like grad student assistant teachers saying they were going to "turn kids trans" and like 2016 culture war stuff like the "classroom gender unicorn" or whatever? basically what this bill does is ban any educator (seems to be teachers, counselors, etc.) from talking to students on any topic related to gender identity or sexuality concerning students as individuals - stuff on history (i.e. Stonewall) can still be discussed. it also bans any general planned curriculum which would be regarded as promoting students to talk or discuss their own sexuality/whatever; it only allows the concept of gay rights or similar to be discussed, not anything individualized by educators.
lool i can't believe they think this is the type of s*** being taught in classrooms or even potentially being taught
lool i can't believe they think this is the type of s*** being taught in classrooms or even potentially being taught
it's basically just reification (dictionary meaning not necessarily marxist meaning)
abstract idea exists perceived as hostile -> idea exists or is covered in media -> perception of world is created by media -> idea becomes willed into existence -> reaction to action willed into existence creates its own reaction -> the reaction to the reaction is cited as justifying the original reaction to begin with
all these types of things are based on things conservatives seen online or in media, and then believe this things to be foundational, so they act on them, it brings the reaction to the forefront, the reaction is then cited as proof, and then it's chalked up as a victory because rather than changing anything, the news cycle moves on, then later down the line something even more egregious occurs to their worldview and they wonder how they lost or where they went wrong
this exact same thing has been happening like basically all the way back since post-WW2 in the 50s and has only gotten accelerated in its frequency by the nature of media & social connectivity. you can almost cite the exact twitter posts which influenced these types of laws
lool i can't believe they think this is the type of s*** being taught in classrooms or even potentially being taught
I used to work at a psych hospital and we had a book that had a same gender couple in it and the parent complained that the facility was promoting the "gay agenda." These are the type of people that think gay orgies are happening in the classroom.
DeSantis does the most I swear. This stuff will ultimately fail imo
Yeah of course it will. Even if you are like actually culturally conservative it should be extremely transparent stuff like this is completely fruitless and a waste of time. It's just bread & circuses to appeal to constituents.
I used to work at a psych hospital and we had a book that had a same gender couple in it and the parent complained that the facility was promoting the "gay agenda." These are the type of people that think gay orgies are happening in the classroom.
whats crazy is its the people who dont even have the kids in the schools lmao
Florida is about to become the gayest and most woke state due to reverse psychology. First they ban critical race theory and now this.
Let's hope so.
I used to work at a psych hospital and we had a book that had a same gender couple in it and the parent complained that the facility was promoting the "gay agenda." These are the type of people that think gay orgies are happening in the classroom.
I bump this banger in my classroom every morning to promote the gay agenda
Why dont they homeschool their kids if they want them to be taught “their way”
Why dont they homeschool their kids if they want them to be taught “their way”
I think the rich f***s do, they put em in private school & s***. Like all boys-all girls type s*** where they probably don’t even talk about the social issues that public schools do, just education & stuff lol
Why dont they homeschool their kids if they want them to be taught “their way”
if you've ever looked at conservative twitter, home schooling is a major discussion there and it's one of the things all the really big blue checkmark pundits promote. The issue is obviously that homeschooling is obviously one of those things where it's not really possible unless you can have an entire family survive on a single income, which is increasingly impossible in this economy - now, the reason i'm saying this is because you have to remember much of the constituency of GOP is working class white. The upper-middle class and above GOP voters? They all already send their kids to gated community private schools where this stuff already isn't going to be taught. These types of pandering laws aren't aimed at actually fixing what these people in the GOP see as their side of the culture war - they're aimed at placating the majority of their voterbase, which as i mentioned doesn't have the homeschool option, so by pandering to them as if these are issues going to be fixed they make them feel as if they're "winning". Especially when you consider DeSantis has lofty goals of running for president it makes sense why he's ramming all this stuff through in his state in day after day culture war commentary. There's a specific crowd it all appeals to and it's always in the media for them to see.
Why dont they homeschool their kids if they want them to be taught “their way”
Because it's not just about their own kids, they want their values to be universal
DeSantis is a maniac
He knows how to get votes from his base.
That’s all this is.
not reading but its weird as f*** seeing teachers post videos like " i just came out to my 5th graders" like what lmfao
it's basically just reification (dictionary meaning not necessarily marxist meaning)
abstract idea exists perceived as hostile -> idea exists or is covered in media -> perception of world is created by media -> idea becomes willed into existence -> reaction to action willed into existence creates its own reaction -> the reaction to the reaction is cited as justifying the original reaction to begin with
all these types of things are based on things conservatives seen online or in media, and then believe this things to be foundational, so they act on them, it brings the reaction to the forefront, the reaction is then cited as proof, and then it's chalked up as a victory because rather than changing anything, the news cycle moves on, then later down the line something even more egregious occurs to their worldview and they wonder how they lost or where they went wrong
this exact same thing has been happening like basically all the way back since post-WW2 in the 50s and has only gotten accelerated in its frequency by the nature of media & social connectivity. you can almost cite the exact twitter posts which influenced these types of laws
it’s just performative. even some of the base sees through it.