I’ve fallen off with film these last few years but I always been meaning to peep some Aki joints
i feel you
i think you'd like his movies a lot fr, even if you check out his one from last year
he feels kin to jim jarmusch
Week 2: Akira Kurosawa’s Ran (1985)
Movies simply don’t get made on this scale practically anymore. An epic and a a tragedy in every sense of the word. A visual masterclass put on by a man said to be battling blindness during its creation.
Both Kurosawa and Ran are one of one.
Ive always skipped sydney film festival but gonna try and give it a go this year
Currently have these movies on my watchlist
Does anyone have any middle eastern movie recs? I don’t think I’ve ever seen one
I have a lot of Asian movies on my watch list might do both this week
Does anyone have any middle eastern movie recs? I don’t think I’ve ever seen one
I have a lot of Asian movies on my watch list might do both this week
asghar farhadi movies
asghar farhadi movies
Appreciate it
I just looked him up I do remember hearing about A Separation when it was getting buzz
Does anyone have any middle eastern movie recs? I don’t think I’ve ever seen one
I have a lot of Asian movies on my watch list might do both this week
a moment of innocence
Week 2: Dennis Hopper's Out of the Blue (1980)
Felt like rewatching an old favorite to get me back in the mood, what better than Hopper's film of lost youth, family dysfunction, and a great Neil Young song in this hard hitting drama and spiritual successor to Easy Rider. RIP Linda Manz and Mr. Hopper. Subvert Normality.
week 3: cyclo by tran anh hung
i've been catching up on 2023 films so i watched the taste of things the other day and it left some sort of impression on me cause i was immediately interested in checking out tran's other work, so i watched the scent of green papaya. both of the films had this real beautiful sensibility that felt warming so for the first time doing this with a filmmaker in a while, i already wanted to watch another one, so i peeped his second film cyclo. this one clicked all the way for me, super ambitious and poetic and raw. im surprised it doesn't have more hype surrounding it considering it feels like something that would be accessible on a wider scale scope wise, it's like a vietnamese city of god, but execution wise staggeringly beautiful and heartbreaking. captures a specific moment in time of vietnam that makes you feel the effects of the war and the grief that was struck on the nation in the decades following it
forgot to post but week 2 (dusty) i ended up watching the original Planet Of The Apes
blew me away with how well its held up after all these years
currently watching the whole franchise too
beneath was terrible but apparently thats the worst one anyway so im carrying on
week 3: cyclo by tran anh hung
i've been catching up on 2023 films so i watched the taste of things the other day and it left some sort of impression on me cause i was immediately interested in checking out tran's other work, so i watched the scent of green papaya. both of the films had this real beautiful sensibility that felt warming so for the first time doing this with a filmmaker in a while, i already wanted to watch another one, so i peeped his second film cyclo. this one clicked all the way for me, super ambitious and poetic and raw. im surprised it doesn't have more hype surrounding it considering it feels like something that would be accessible on a wider scale scope wise, it's like a vietnamese city of god, but execution wise staggeringly beautiful and heartbreaking. captures a specific moment in time of vietnam that makes you feel the effects of the war and the grief that was struck on the nation in the decades following it
The Vertical Ray of The Sun is good too
The Vertical Ray of The Sun is good too
yeah imma peep soon, looks great. tran nu yen khe is so good
Which ones you haven’t seen yet?
The more recent ones
I started from the beginning I think I’m through Happy Together (gotta double check)
Which means the next one will be…
The more recent ones
I started from the beginning I think I’m through Happy Together (gotta double check)
Which means the next one will be…
Happy Together fire
Week 1: Alien (1979)
Week 1: Alien (1979)
I’m catching up so I don’t want to write too much but that might’ve been the coolest movie I’ve seen
My pick, hopefully its good
I didn’t like this too much. First 30 minutes were intriguing but the lead was annoying & it seemed to me like the movie was coasting on the intrigue of those first 15 minutes.
Week 1: Alien (1979)
Too bad the whole cinematic universe of Alien is screwed