I’m good thankfully, my legs f***ed up and I was in shock but thank god that I made it out with barely a scratch besides that. Had to lay down after that bc my body was hurting and eventually fell asleep without updating here but I was like f***it y’all are gonna understand lol
Wtf glad you're ok
Im gonna watch this cus I heard there were some people that absolutely loved this one
Watched last year it's hard
Imma rap in with this
Oh f***. Condolences. You should watch the film “Crash” to celebrate being alive.
Seen it
Freaky classic
Horror’s a blind spot for me. I might use this as an opportunity to get more into it. Unless I find a fire sci-fi I haven’t watched yet
Whatever that was. Perhaps a mishmash of Americana with power pop ballads and post-nuclear hijinks. If you like Fallout and you'll like this. Needs a 4K resto.
watched this tonight it was insane finally cleared out alex garland’s catalog
Might do Ex Machina
watched this tonight it was insane finally cleared out alex garland’s catalog
Fav Alex garland film
Fav Alex garland film
got this right behind ex machina, last 15 or so minutes of this movie had me in a trance
you should man, that was an absolute classic
I actually rewatched it yesterday with some friends but I still think it’s really overrated tbh
got this right behind ex machina, last 15 or so minutes of this movie had me in a trance
Yeah the whole lighthouse sequence and that OST is peak
I actually rewatched it yesterday with some friends but I still think it’s really overrated tbh
it was a good one time watch
Some real skin crawling horror mixed with an intriguing mystery. This is actually my first Ring film. I haven’t even seen the American remake so this being my first exposure to the concept and the lore was a treat.