Some real skin crawling horror mixed with an intriguing mystery. This is actually my first Ring film. I haven’t even seen the American remake so this being my first exposure to the concept and the lore was a treat.
Wondering some more about how you felt seeing this, since you haven’t seen anything related to the franchise but the film has been very influential in terms of it’s horror tropes so that’s an interesting situation watching it for the first time did some things feel familiar or cliche to you because of this?
Better late than never. Got a free-day too so kinda ended up basically writin' an essay lmao.
Slightly better than the first, more lore-dumping part, that combined tell an incredible, action-packed story with masterclass fighting choreographies.
The Baron was also helluva of antagonist, loved him in the first part and this one consacrated him as one of the darkest villains. Bautista character was also menacing in his instability that could result any minute in more friendly casualities, wish the battle wit' Josh Brolin was far more longer. Also, thought Josh Brolin character was the Judah yet he supported Paul for all his journey.
So was Feyd as anthitesis to Paul, with their overarching conflict culminatin' in a cousinhood clash wit blade dances. One was trainin' wit' creme-de-la-creme while the other was playin' wit d\*\*\*gies and slaves lmao so it wasn't that hard to guess who would have come victor but my expectations were almost overturned.
Zendaya goated as usual too, killer year for her. Maybe, if I had to give a lil' criticism would be Harkonnen havin' a way too dark aesthetic givin' a whole too "good vs evil" vibe but still, appreciated this aura they got so really, not much bothered me about this movie. My preferite part of their culture was those, thick, ink species of fireworks they were launching when Feyd entered in that explosive arena?
Definitely reading the book too, this one has a beautiful cinematography, a splendid story -and a\*\*\*ysis? cautionary tale?- on what charismatic figures influences are able to do when rising to powerful positions.
Loved this type of storytelling: Paul is up there wit Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen and Reinhard Von Lohegramm in terms of beautiful, attractive cults of personality and among fictional enlightened monarchies.
What more could you ask? Hype for Messiah.
P.S: I assume that "spice" would have the same effect the Zaza has on me while the "worm poison" would have the same effect on my weak ass when the edibles hit 😂😂😭
Wondering some more about how you felt seeing this, since you haven’t seen anything related to the franchise but the film has been very influential in terms of it’s horror tropes so that’s an interesting situation watching it for the first time did some things feel familiar or cliche to you because of this?
I for sure felt the tropes but I also know this was more or less the source of them. So part of me really liked seeing how they were done for the first time. I did also love how moody this felt in a sense. Near constant overcast skies during the exterior scenes, it helped build the atmosphere. There’s even one non horror scene that stuck out which was the conversation between Takashi and Ryūji while they were looking out to sea. It’s partially for information but the way it’s shot really stuck out to me because it was something outside of my expectations.
I watched TEXAS Chainsaw Massacre OG it was alright u know I don't care much for horror but I respected the craft and third act! He was handling that thang like a rockstar at the end fr
i watched the beast with lea seydoux which kinda hit both genres. i didn't know what to make of it when it finished but its been on my mind a lot these last few days
Godzilla minus one dope af
I like how y'all putting the posters too heres the poster
Godzilla minus one dope af
I like how y'all putting the posters too heres the poster
Godzilla minus one dope af
I like how y'all putting the posters too heres the poster
gonna watch this for my pick this week, been waiting for it
Godzilla minus one dope af
I like how y'all putting the posters too heres the poster
gonna watch dis for tha calculated week
gonna watch this for my pick this week, been waiting for it
Do you enjoy the monsterverse incarnation of the big g ?
gonna be in portugal for week 2… if I watch multiple movies on a flight on thursday does that count
gonna be in portugal for week 2… if I watch multiple movies on a flight on thursday does that count
I mean yeah or you could just backtrack and do week 2 & week 3 both once you’re back. Enjoy Portugal great place
I mean yeah or you could just backtrack and do week 2 & week 3 both once you’re back. Enjoy Portugal great place
preciate it homie
We 30 deep already for this szn I’m expecting to see some fire picks for sure
Did y’all just start this ? Respect for the love put in here
Did y’all just start this ? Respect for the love put in here
Yeah it’s only week 1 bro thank u
You joining?
Yeah it’s only week 1 bro thank u
You joining?
Imma try, I got a horror flick I had my eye on so seems like good timing