Untitled is underrated
Really love the intro to the album a lot
would be a classic if it wasnt for the inconsistent production
HHID and Kingdom Come came out within 3 months of each other
No wonder the south took the f*** over. These niggas was STRUGGLING
hip hop is dead the most controversial so far
Nas review coming later this week
it’s wild to me Pitchfork gave this album an 3/10 back then, they must hate Nas cause I loved this album and thought it was great
Politically charged lyrics and much more refined production definitely makes the a top tier Nas project, not on the level of his best but definitely a bounce back from the past 2 bad albums
This album definitely feels ahead of its time I think if it came out today it’d be much better received aside from a few moments
Fried Chicken is an interesting concept and I can respect how far they took it but man idk it was kinda weird to me, Make The World Go Round felt like it didn’t fully fit either, Chris Brown didn’t really fit on here and the song felt like it was the same thing he was hating on last time
but very strong album start to finish from Queens Get The Money’s eerie beat to the hopeful ending on Black President
Favourite Songs: Queens Get The Money, You Can’t Stop Us Now, Breathe, Hero, Sly Fox, The Slave and The Master, Untitled, We’re Not Alone, Black President
Worst song: Fried Chicken
Fried chicken is flames, that mark Ronson instrumental
beat is 10/10
if we just talking beats this album is probably too 3
bars and metaphor just felt clunky and jumbled on that one
I remember Lupe's reaction to Nas album Untitled on Okayplayer
Okayplayer.com: Lupe on N-A-S
“Why Nas Is My Favorite Rapper…(If You Even Care)”
Wed Jul-23-08 10:15 PM by FNF UP UP AND AWAY
While in the midst of listening to “It Was Written” as a teen I was completely unaware of the existence of “Illmatic”…I remember some dudes beating a song in a car that sounded like a Nas song and I asked my homey what was that and he was like “Its from Nas 1st album”…then on a trip to my sisters college I was in her boyfriends dorm room and he had a poster of the “Illmatic” cover and I was like what is that and he was like “that’s Nas 1st album” and just so happened he had a copy (he also had a copy of “The Infamous” which is another story altogether…Yeah Prodigy…Mobb Deep played a big part in the evolution of Lupe)…So I puts “Illmatic” inside the CD Walkman, strap on the headphones and proceeded to have my life changed forever…It became my soundtrack for a time…all day everyday, everywhere…along with “IWW”…time passes…”The Firm” drops, memorized the damn thing and then named myself from it…time passes…one faithful day I was at my sisters house and was watching BET don’t remember the exact show but probably Rap City…and who do I see sitting on the project steps in the pea-soup green flight suit (I HAD THE JACKET!!!) with the big ass QB chain then cuts to the bathroom with him rapping to himself in the mirror with Premo in the living room on the wheels of steel???…NEW NAS???…WTF???…yup “Nas Is Like”…consider that memorized, consider that instrumental copped and rocked to at the High School Talent Show…”I Am” drops…heard “Hate Me Now” on WGCI that same night asked Pops (R.I.P.) to take me to Circuit City where I copped the King Tut covered imperfect masterpiece and first heard the odd line that still sticks with me to this day… “Heard Her Body Guard Took Snook To God” – “Small World”…go figure…I love that line…live with it….memorize it…life soundtrack status…but there were songs that just seemed like filler…hmmm…in the booklet there is a picture of the next album…”Nastradamus”…and I patiently begin to wait…time passes…some how, some way a copy of the bootleg of “Nastradamus” gets into my possession and it is a classic…”Belly Button Window” “Poppa Was A Playa” the original “Project Windows” yup…yet another life soundtrack…(I kept it for a long time and eventually gave it to Stacks Bundles (R.I.P.) and he took it back to NY with him and I never saw it again…I was heartbroken)…when the official version of “Nastradamus” dropped I was super excited when the lead off joint “Life We Chose” blazed though the speakers of my little stereo…”Come Get Me” was ridiculous and a few others but it wasn’t sticking like the other albums and some of the heatrocks that were on the bootleg weren’t on the official version…it didn’t have the life soundtrack effect like the other albums…its wasn’t great…I didn’t feel it as much..Damn!!! OH NO!!! Was Nas Falling Off?!???!!!???…Damn….I started to question…then something magical happened…The Beef With The BIg Homey!!!!…OHHHH SHHHIIIITTT…I was front row…Jay had just finished “Takeover” and we were some of the first to hear it at Bassline and it was murderous…I was like its over…Nas is finished…Yeah I counted him out…I was like he cant come back from that…I remember the only person in my circle that had faith in Nas was Stacks’ Uncle…and he was like watch…just watch…and sho nuff…a little while later back in Chicago…one night our cell phones exploded with 212, 718, 347 & 646 area codes…New York was on fire!!!…The “Ether” dropped…and Jesus was it a comeback!!!…then one word reigned supreme “STILLMATIC”…with the strings crying and the words “Blood Of A Slave, Heart Of A King” resonating in the X5…YUP!!!…Nas was back!!!…I swayed from the flock but now I was back with a vengeance…”Rewind” “2nd Childhood” “Rule” and the crown jewel “What Goes Around”…soundtrack to my life stuff…then another chink in the armor…”God’s Son”…I honestly didn’t like it…coming after “Stillmatic” I was like damn…what happened?…(R.I.P. Mrs. Jones…thanx for giving us a light in the darkness via your son)…I take it on the chin with the knowledge now to never count out Mr. Jones…and he does not let down…he roars back with the double whammy “Street’s Disciple”…”U.B.R. The Unauthorized Biography Of Rakim” is all that I needed to be more than impressed…FUCK!!!…excuse my french…then comes the statement that pissed off hip-hop and sent niggaz back to the stu to prove him wrong “Hip-Hop Is Dead”…it had a few…wasn’t glorious…wasn’t really moving…but good…damn Nas…I started to question again…I started to doubt…” ” (yeah I still call it …Fuck the press!!!)…really???…this nigga is naming his new s*** “ ”???…hmmm…interesting…publicity stunt?…of course it is…did it work?…hell yeah!…people were pissed…it was great publicity wise…but the music, the message…would it be that “soundtrack to life”, thought provoking, undeniably revolutionary, conceptually impeccable, stunning, invigorating, inspiring, down right send-you-back-to-the-drawing-board quality PIFF!!! that N-A-S is capable of ????????????………………I avoided buying it…I avoided watching the videos online….I avoided downloading any of the leaked music…I was scared…I put it out of my mind…I refused to participate…….I was afraid it wouldn’t be…………until today……………and the answer to the longwinded question is……
Yeah Nigguh!!!!
“ ” (Yeah I’m Still Calling It ) is a masterpiece!!!!….
NAS is spitting like a demon….first time I experienced multiple “wheel-it-backs” a mere 20 seconds into a song in a longtime….
through the up’s and the down’s N-A-S still holds the crown…well to me anyway…
Funniest conversation ever, hard to believe it was real
Tyler, the Creator: God’s Son is my favorite album by you.
Nas: Aw, thanks. Why? ’Cause the word “God”?
Tyler, the Creator: Nah, it’s like, I got… Okay. That came out in 2003, around the XXL issue with you and, like, Jungle and them.
Nas: Yeah.
Tyler, the Creator: The January/February issue. And I bought it with that. I don’t know. That s*** just... Like, “Heaven” is my s*** on there.
Nas: Aw, man, thanks.
Tyler, the Creator: “Zone Out.” Your verse on there was f***in’ ed.
Nas: Word? Thanks, man.
Tyler, the Creator: That whole album was just legit.
Nas: Appreciate it.
Tyler, the Creator: And my second is probably Street’s Disciple.
Nas: Get the f*** out of here.
Tyler, the Creator: Yeah.
Nas: Because it’s a Last Supper thing?
Tyler, the Creator: Nah, nah. It’s just, like, the beats on there. “Thief’s Theme” is my favorite f***in’ song from that album. That s*** is f***in’ ed. I love the video, too.
Nas: Appreciate it, man.
Tyler, the Creator: I always forget the f***in’ name… “Nazareth Savage”?
Nas: Yeah.
Tyler, the Creator: You f***in’—
Nas: Wow, wow.
Tyler, the Creator: You f***in’ spazzed on that. I don’t hear people talk about it that much, so…
Nas: I was about to say nobody ever mentioned that record to me, and s***.
Tyler, the Creator: That s*** is, like, legit as f***.
Nas: Nobody ever did. Word.
Tyler, the Creator: I love that s***.
And then you have Tyler rapping on the Nazareth Savage beat on Call Me If You Get Lost.
Streets Disciple heat though. Very slept on Nas album.
I remember Lupe's reaction to Nas album Untitled on Okayplayer
Okayplayer.com: Lupe on N-A-S
“Why Nas Is My Favorite Rapper…(If You Even Care)”
Wed Jul-23-08 10:15 PM by FNF UP UP AND AWAY
While in the midst of listening to “It Was Written” as a teen I was completely unaware of the existence of “Illmatic”…I remember some dudes beating a song in a car that sounded like a Nas song and I asked my homey what was that and he was like “Its from Nas 1st album”…then on a trip to my sisters college I was in her boyfriends dorm room and he had a poster of the “Illmatic” cover and I was like what is that and he was like “that’s Nas 1st album” and just so happened he had a copy (he also had a copy of “The Infamous” which is another story altogether…Yeah Prodigy…Mobb Deep played a big part in the evolution of Lupe)…So I puts “Illmatic” inside the CD Walkman, strap on the headphones and proceeded to have my life changed forever…It became my soundtrack for a time…all day everyday, everywhere…along with “IWW”…time passes…”The Firm” drops, memorized the damn thing and then named myself from it…time passes…one faithful day I was at my sisters house and was watching BET don’t remember the exact show but probably Rap City…and who do I see sitting on the project steps in the pea-soup green flight suit (I HAD THE JACKET!!!) with the big ass QB chain then cuts to the bathroom with him rapping to himself in the mirror with Premo in the living room on the wheels of steel???…NEW NAS???…WTF???…yup “Nas Is Like”…consider that memorized, consider that instrumental copped and rocked to at the High School Talent Show…”I Am” drops…heard “Hate Me Now” on WGCI that same night asked Pops (R.I.P.) to take me to Circuit City where I copped the King Tut covered imperfect masterpiece and first heard the odd line that still sticks with me to this day… “Heard Her Body Guard Took Snook To God” – “Small World”…go figure…I love that line…live with it….memorize it…life soundtrack status…but there were songs that just seemed like filler…hmmm…in the booklet there is a picture of the next album…”Nastradamus”…and I patiently begin to wait…time passes…some how, some way a copy of the bootleg of “Nastradamus” gets into my possession and it is a classic…”Belly Button Window” “Poppa Was A Playa” the original “Project Windows” yup…yet another life soundtrack…(I kept it for a long time and eventually gave it to Stacks Bundles (R.I.P.) and he took it back to NY with him and I never saw it again…I was heartbroken)…when the official version of “Nastradamus” dropped I was super excited when the lead off joint “Life We Chose” blazed though the speakers of my little stereo…”Come Get Me” was ridiculous and a few others but it wasn’t sticking like the other albums and some of the heatrocks that were on the bootleg weren’t on the official version…it didn’t have the life soundtrack effect like the other albums…its wasn’t great…I didn’t feel it as much..Damn!!! OH NO!!! Was Nas Falling Off?!???!!!???…Damn….I started to question…then something magical happened…The Beef With The BIg Homey!!!!…OHHHH SHHHIIIITTT…I was front row…Jay had just finished “Takeover” and we were some of the first to hear it at Bassline and it was murderous…I was like its over…Nas is finished…Yeah I counted him out…I was like he cant come back from that…I remember the only person in my circle that had faith in Nas was Stacks’ Uncle…and he was like watch…just watch…and sho nuff…a little while later back in Chicago…one night our cell phones exploded with 212, 718, 347 & 646 area codes…New York was on fire!!!…The “Ether” dropped…and Jesus was it a comeback!!!…then one word reigned supreme “STILLMATIC”…with the strings crying and the words “Blood Of A Slave, Heart Of A King” resonating in the X5…YUP!!!…Nas was back!!!…I swayed from the flock but now I was back with a vengeance…”Rewind” “2nd Childhood” “Rule” and the crown jewel “What Goes Around”…soundtrack to my life stuff…then another chink in the armor…”God’s Son”…I honestly didn’t like it…coming after “Stillmatic” I was like damn…what happened?…(R.I.P. Mrs. Jones…thanx for giving us a light in the darkness via your son)…I take it on the chin with the knowledge now to never count out Mr. Jones…and he does not let down…he roars back with the double whammy “Street’s Disciple”…”U.B.R. The Unauthorized Biography Of Rakim” is all that I needed to be more than impressed…FUCK!!!…excuse my french…then comes the statement that pissed off hip-hop and sent niggaz back to the stu to prove him wrong “Hip-Hop Is Dead”…it had a few…wasn’t glorious…wasn’t really moving…but good…damn Nas…I started to question again…I started to doubt…” ” (yeah I still call it …Fuck the press!!!)…really???…this nigga is naming his new s*** “ ”???…hmmm…interesting…publicity stunt?…of course it is…did it work?…hell yeah!…people were pissed…it was great publicity wise…but the music, the message…would it be that “soundtrack to life”, thought provoking, undeniably revolutionary, conceptually impeccable, stunning, invigorating, inspiring, down right send-you-back-to-the-drawing-board quality PIFF!!! that N-A-S is capable of ????????????………………I avoided buying it…I avoided watching the videos online….I avoided downloading any of the leaked music…I was scared…I put it out of my mind…I refused to participate…….I was afraid it wouldn’t be…………until today……………and the answer to the longwinded question is……
Yeah Nigguh!!!!
“ ” (Yeah I’m Still Calling It ) is a masterpiece!!!!….
NAS is spitting like a demon….first time I experienced multiple “wheel-it-backs” a mere 20 seconds into a song in a longtime….
through the up’s and the down’s N-A-S still holds the crown…well to me anyway…
I remember this.
Lupe was the Reason why I bought this album.
I remember Lupe's reaction to Nas album Untitled on Okayplayer
Okayplayer.com: Lupe on N-A-S
“Why Nas Is My Favorite Rapper…(If You Even Care)”
Wed Jul-23-08 10:15 PM by FNF UP UP AND AWAY
While in the midst of listening to “It Was Written” as a teen I was completely unaware of the existence of “Illmatic”…I remember some dudes beating a song in a car that sounded like a Nas song and I asked my homey what was that and he was like “Its from Nas 1st album”…then on a trip to my sisters college I was in her boyfriends dorm room and he had a poster of the “Illmatic” cover and I was like what is that and he was like “that’s Nas 1st album” and just so happened he had a copy (he also had a copy of “The Infamous” which is another story altogether…Yeah Prodigy…Mobb Deep played a big part in the evolution of Lupe)…So I puts “Illmatic” inside the CD Walkman, strap on the headphones and proceeded to have my life changed forever…It became my soundtrack for a time…all day everyday, everywhere…along with “IWW”…time passes…”The Firm” drops, memorized the damn thing and then named myself from it…time passes…one faithful day I was at my sisters house and was watching BET don’t remember the exact show but probably Rap City…and who do I see sitting on the project steps in the pea-soup green flight suit (I HAD THE JACKET!!!) with the big ass QB chain then cuts to the bathroom with him rapping to himself in the mirror with Premo in the living room on the wheels of steel???…NEW NAS???…WTF???…yup “Nas Is Like”…consider that memorized, consider that instrumental copped and rocked to at the High School Talent Show…”I Am” drops…heard “Hate Me Now” on WGCI that same night asked Pops (R.I.P.) to take me to Circuit City where I copped the King Tut covered imperfect masterpiece and first heard the odd line that still sticks with me to this day… “Heard Her Body Guard Took Snook To God” – “Small World”…go figure…I love that line…live with it….memorize it…life soundtrack status…but there were songs that just seemed like filler…hmmm…in the booklet there is a picture of the next album…”Nastradamus”…and I patiently begin to wait…time passes…some how, some way a copy of the bootleg of “Nastradamus” gets into my possession and it is a classic…”Belly Button Window” “Poppa Was A Playa” the original “Project Windows” yup…yet another life soundtrack…(I kept it for a long time and eventually gave it to Stacks Bundles (R.I.P.) and he took it back to NY with him and I never saw it again…I was heartbroken)…when the official version of “Nastradamus” dropped I was super excited when the lead off joint “Life We Chose” blazed though the speakers of my little stereo…”Come Get Me” was ridiculous and a few others but it wasn’t sticking like the other albums and some of the heatrocks that were on the bootleg weren’t on the official version…it didn’t have the life soundtrack effect like the other albums…its wasn’t great…I didn’t feel it as much..Damn!!! OH NO!!! Was Nas Falling Off?!???!!!???…Damn….I started to question…then something magical happened…The Beef With The BIg Homey!!!!…OHHHH SHHHIIIITTT…I was front row…Jay had just finished “Takeover” and we were some of the first to hear it at Bassline and it was murderous…I was like its over…Nas is finished…Yeah I counted him out…I was like he cant come back from that…I remember the only person in my circle that had faith in Nas was Stacks’ Uncle…and he was like watch…just watch…and sho nuff…a little while later back in Chicago…one night our cell phones exploded with 212, 718, 347 & 646 area codes…New York was on fire!!!…The “Ether” dropped…and Jesus was it a comeback!!!…then one word reigned supreme “STILLMATIC”…with the strings crying and the words “Blood Of A Slave, Heart Of A King” resonating in the X5…YUP!!!…Nas was back!!!…I swayed from the flock but now I was back with a vengeance…”Rewind” “2nd Childhood” “Rule” and the crown jewel “What Goes Around”…soundtrack to my life stuff…then another chink in the armor…”God’s Son”…I honestly didn’t like it…coming after “Stillmatic” I was like damn…what happened?…(R.I.P. Mrs. Jones…thanx for giving us a light in the darkness via your son)…I take it on the chin with the knowledge now to never count out Mr. Jones…and he does not let down…he roars back with the double whammy “Street’s Disciple”…”U.B.R. The Unauthorized Biography Of Rakim” is all that I needed to be more than impressed…FUCK!!!…excuse my french…then comes the statement that pissed off hip-hop and sent niggaz back to the stu to prove him wrong “Hip-Hop Is Dead”…it had a few…wasn’t glorious…wasn’t really moving…but good…damn Nas…I started to question again…I started to doubt…” ” (yeah I still call it …Fuck the press!!!)…really???…this nigga is naming his new s*** “ ”???…hmmm…interesting…publicity stunt?…of course it is…did it work?…hell yeah!…people were pissed…it was great publicity wise…but the music, the message…would it be that “soundtrack to life”, thought provoking, undeniably revolutionary, conceptually impeccable, stunning, invigorating, inspiring, down right send-you-back-to-the-drawing-board quality PIFF!!! that N-A-S is capable of ????????????………………I avoided buying it…I avoided watching the videos online….I avoided downloading any of the leaked music…I was scared…I put it out of my mind…I refused to participate…….I was afraid it wouldn’t be…………until today……………and the answer to the longwinded question is……
Yeah Nigguh!!!!
“ ” (Yeah I’m Still Calling It ) is a masterpiece!!!!….
NAS is spitting like a demon….first time I experienced multiple “wheel-it-backs” a mere 20 seconds into a song in a longtime….
through the up’s and the down’s N-A-S still holds the crown…well to me anyway…
Lmao I read that whole s*** a while ago. Lupe definitely stanned Nas at the time and seems like he still fw him hard. He liked LIG and KD2.
i remember niggas was tryna say jay electronica ghostwrote that intro.
they might be onto something tho
Oh hell nah, they were outta pocket
Electron made the beat and that's it
Imagine NAS needing a ghostwriter
So out of all his albums you reviewed so far (Illmatic up to Hip Hop is Dead) you got HHID as his worse album? Lmao
No, OP rated Nastradamus and Street's Disciple lower when he updated his scores.
some quick lil score revisions
every album gonna get rescored at the end since i’ve let them sit but here’s a quick update
Illmatic - 9.5/10 (Classic)
It Was Written - 9/10 (Classic)
I Am - 7/10
Nastradaumus - 4/10
Stillmatic - 9.5/10 (Classic)
Lost Tapes - 9/10
God’s Son - 8.5/10
Street’s Disciple - 4.5/10 (my thoughts changed super quick on this one)
Hip Hop Is Dead - 5/10
You're gonna love LIG, KD1, KD2 and Magic I can already tell
@op u mean pitchfork gave it a 3/10?
Thats insane, its a really solid album
@op u mean pitchfork gave it a 3/10?
Thats insane, its a really solid album
Oh yeah they trashed it for some reason
Tbh imagine if Untitled came out around 2016 when it became cool to make this type of album due to TPAB's impact. Would've been critically acclaimed just like Common's Black America Again.
Btw there's a mixtape with DJ Green Lantern of the original version of Untitled that's actually fire
Oh yeah they trashed it for some reason
Tbh imagine if Untitled came out around 2016 when it became cool to make this type of album due to TPAB's impact. Would've been critically acclaimed just like Common's Black America Again.
Yeah its weird they gave this a 3 then Life Is Good an 8
Those albums are on the same tier to me
@op u mean pitchfork gave it a 3/10?
Thats insane, its a really solid album
s*** crazy
basically a 4 cause wtf is a 3.8
s*** crazy
basically a 4 cause wtf is a 3.8
Yeah in your review u said they gave it an 8/10
Yeah in your review u said they gave it an 8/10
this how i find out i made a typo hours ago
Oh yeah they trashed it for some reason
Tbh imagine if Untitled came out around 2016 when it became cool to make this type of album due to TPAB's impact. Would've been critically acclaimed just like Common's Black America Again.
Black America Again was a great album regardless of TPAB. Untitled is good but I don’t know if it’s as good as those 2 albums.
Yeah its weird they gave this a 3 then Life Is Good an 8
Those albums are on the same tier to me
They switched up on LIG by the end of the year tho and didn't put it in their top 100 albums of the year list even though it was given BNM
P4k's issue with Nas is some behind the scenes s***