Stay away from a lot of processed foods
drink only water
Only eat Fast food on occasion
If you’re having frequent headaches you should check your blood pressure
I’ve had this same migraine for 2 days
damn usually sleep solves my migraines
s*** sucks though I’m in the exact same boat have minor headaches constantly and then get migraines every now and then
Stay away from a lot of processed foods
drink only water
Only eat Fast food on occasion
If you’re having frequent headaches you should check your blood pressure
Is it high or low blood pressure that causes headaches
Or just abnormal?
Is it high or low blood pressure that causes headaches
Or just abnormal?
Idk about low blood pressure but I know for sure that high blood pressure can lead to headaches
Idk about low blood pressure but I know for sure that high blood pressure can lead to headaches
My blood pressure is pretty normal but my medication for adhd can make it in the above normal range so I wonder if that’s why I get headaches sometimes on it
Do some head/neck stretches as well on the regular
I know some with bad posture/bad ergonomic desks that have headaches because of it. And some are just tense in the head area in general.
On very rare occasions
Drink plenty of water
Cook your own food, eat healthy, workout and rest well.
Also some people are just prone to headaches perpetually so don't stress too much about it, it'll just make it worse
What’s your diet like
My diet was/is s***
My sister has the same genetics and had the same diet growing up and she would get hella migraines tho
diet is avg to subpar usually
water i forget to drink it at home but down heaps when i work
Diet is mid, but I get a great amount of sleep (8-11), have a consistent sleep schedule, don't stay glued to my phone or screens for long periods of times
And tbh I don't drink as much water as I should
Average. I don’t really refrain from eating anything.
Water I do like 3 bottles a day?
I think it’s just genetic
Me and my girl the same yet she gets crazy more headaches then I do.
I've had a headache maybe twice in my life. My diet was trash as a teen so idk if that has an impact, I have always drank a lot of water so that might be it