So you like the more natural/subtle sounding pitch correction. If that’s what you saying then I’m with you tbh. Mention me has so much more energy and catchiness to it
Yeah exactly the more natural / subtle s*** is what I think is way better. Sometimes I hate it when he uses autotune as an effect. Usually ruins the song for me at least little. On some songs I think it works though like on You're Mines Still but usually I'm just turned off by it.
I just like it when he does it enough to make it sound like he's actually a really good singer like on Brand New or Get Along Better.
Fountains because it’s just outside of the box and when it hits you, it f***ing hits u.
Been playing mention me nonstop to.
if mention me made the album, and Fountains was unreleased,
people would've said Fountains should've made it to CLB instead
if mention me made the album, and Fountains was unreleased,
people would've said Fountains should've made it to CLB instead
"Tryna satisfy everybody, it's like they can't get enough"