Francis Ford Coppola: "This film ends with a lot of hope and positive energy on New Year's Eve. My dream is that this film will be shown every New Years and when you go home after seeing it you're not gonna say, 'Well, I'm gonna give up smoking, or I'm gonna give up eating too much.' But instead ask one question: Is the society we're in the only one available to us?"
I still think about this film a lot. It's aging very well for me
Francis Ford Coppola: "This film ends with a lot of hope and positive energy on New Year's Eve. My dream is that this film will be shown every New Years and when you go home after seeing it you're not gonna say, 'Well, I'm gonna give up smoking, or I'm gonna give up eating too much.' But instead ask one question: Is the society we're in the only one available to us?"
Literally the question of our generation. Our society isn't conducive to prosperity, our government isn't serving us and corporations are bleeding us dry. People will wake up eventually and this is the question they will ask
I still think about this film a lot. It's aging very well for me
Is it good? Gotta watch this still.
Is it good? Gotta watch this still.
You have to go into it willing to engage with it on its own terms. Don't expect it to be conventional and don't compare it to anything else, just watch it and enjoy it for what it is. There's a lot that doesn't "work" in the traditional sense. Lots of stuff that comes off as contrived and/or goofy. But there's also some unbelievably gorgeous shots and profound quotes and moments. I found the experience to be highly enjoyable but I do acknowledge it's not for everyone
You have to go into it willing to engage with it on its own terms. Don't expect it to be conventional and don't compare it to anything else, just watch it and enjoy it for what it is. There's a lot that doesn't "work" in the traditional sense. Lots of stuff that comes off as contrived and/or goofy. But there's also some unbelievably gorgeous shots and profound quotes and moments. I found the experience to be highly enjoyable but I do acknowledge it's not for everyone
Is it really different from most movies like it’s advertised as?
I will always be partial to something that isn't a "masterpiece" in the traditional sense of the word but that makes me think about it for a long time over a movie that is technically and fundamentally sound but doesn't have any staying power.
Driver is better in this than Annette lol
I thought Annette was really annoying lol
Is it really different from most movies like it’s advertised as?
Think “fever dream”.
Easily the best theatrical experience I had last year.
Operatic. Shakespearean. Surreal. Silly. There’s a freewheeling playfulness that makes the whole thing feel very singular.
What were your favorite parts?
the whole sequence from which Cesar is shot to the close of the film feels like you’re levitating sorta, watching it lol
the whole sequence from which Cesar is shot to the close of the film feels like you’re levitating sorta, watching it lol
Probably one of the most effective jump scares I've seen
And then when he's got the bandages and the megalon face and the sitar plays