Blonde is the progression of Music as a whole, man... Sit back and enjoy the masterpiece crafted by Musician-Artisan Frank Ocean.
master artisan?
masta? artisan?
I didnt pick up on any dream pop elements. What songs should i relisten to with this lense in mind?
What exactly is mysterious music
"You know, driving your car you hear another car playing it. Go to the barber shop, you hear them playing it. You know, turn the radio on, and you hear them playing it. It's playing everywhere - it's called great music. It's called albums that you actually hear the songs. Not no mysterious s***, and you never hear it."
does this define it well enough for u
I don't hear it tbh
"You know, driving your car you hear another car playing it. Go to the barber shop, you hear them playing it. You know, turn the radio on, and you hear them playing it. It's playing everywhere - it's called great music. It's called albums that you actually hear the songs. Not no mysterious s***, and you never hear it."
does this define it well enough for u
I hope one day I can actually get a definition to what mysterious music supposedly is.
master artisan?
masta? artisan?
need this over the pretty sweet beat
I hope one day I can actually get a definition to what mysterious music supposedly is.
mysterious music to ktt is what white people listen to on this website
I didnt pick up on any dream pop elements. What songs should i relisten to with this lense in mind?
I feel like the dream pop is kinda throughout
The lack of drums for e.g or the space when there are drums
Idk if there’s anything that’s outright dream pop but white Ferrari and Siegfried are probably the closest
It's been 5 years and there hasn't been a better love and nostalgic track written since Ivy..
this still my favorite Frank song tho
! this was rushes/rushes to before i even clicked, GOAT
knew this was rushes/rushes to before i even clicked, GOAT
real as f***
i don’t even know what it is about that song but goddamn