@6ftunder @supermodel @beflygelt @OldAssNigga @Untitled @NIGHTMAN follow me I gotchu in dms
@6ftunder @supermodel @beflygelt @OldAssNigga @Untitled @NIGHTMAN follow me I gotchu in dms
hold up how about me lol
@6ftunder @supermodel @beflygelt @OldAssNigga @Untitled @NIGHTMAN follow me I gotchu in dms
@6ftunder @supermodel @beflygelt @OldAssNigga @Untitled @NIGHTMAN follow me I gotchu in dms
can i get a link as well. thanks!
f*** sakes man the upload got f***ed up gimme a bit I can probably remote into work and grab it and reup
What’s the audio like? The guy said it’s “by far the best audio of the show that will ever exist” so I’m curious to know if he was talking s*** or not
anyone got a better site than mega so I can upload this privately
anyone got a better site than mega so I can upload this privately
Try krakenfiles
anyone got a better site than mega so I can upload this privately
i would say google drive
Try krakenfiles
I'll try this gimme a bit my upload speed is trash
Someone got it uploaded here
What’s the audio like? The guy said it’s “by far the best audio of the show that will ever exist” so I’m curious to know if he was talking s*** or not
audios surprisingly quality
i listen to phish and grateful dead daily and there’s tons and tons of old footage synced up to high quality soundboards. Both bands also allowed people to bring microphones in and tape the entire show, and people still do it to this day at Phish shows. you can listen to them for free and the quality is actually very good. if only people thought of that for like any other concert lol
phish and grateful dead really just too goated
frank sending shooters to his doorstep its over
The file from that odysee site is the exact same size as the one from his dropbox btw so shouldn't be compressed at all
“never been a concert film like this ever” bro there are like 200 bruce springsteen concert videos on youtube from like 20 different accounts that are literally in this style of crowd-sourced video but withhh the soundboard audio he releases
not to mention franks FYF/panorama sets
not to mention pearl jam grateful dead etc.
this looks cool but like… calm down
Frank ocean fans wants to be mysterious and unique so bad
Frank Ocean being a loser again
@6ftunder @supermodel @beflygelt @OldAssNigga @Untitled @NIGHTMAN follow me I gotchu in dms
odysee.com/@Michael:2e8/APR24_SOUNDMIX_CREDITS_h264:8 you can download it here just click the ... under the player
alright who's gonna split the audio into tracks for a comp? @innuendo ? i can maybe do it if not