  • Apr 20, 2023

    They got his ass on camera

    h-h-hiipower, dj dave

  • Apr 20, 2023

    They got his ass on camera

    That nigga is gone for good

  • Apr 20, 2023

    He don’t give a. FU C K LOL

  • Apr 20, 2023

    he really said "i'll see you soon" lmfao okay!

    who when

  • Apr 20, 2023

    They be saying he doesn’t owe them s***, they’re only saying that cuz he decided it


  • Apr 20, 2023

    They be saying he doesn’t owe them s***, they’re only saying that cuz he decided it

    Delete this bro it’s too real

  • Apr 20, 2023

    No way you actually wrote this yourself

  • ragedsycokiller

    They got his ass on camera

    Gone, Coachella bout to sue his ass

  • Apr 20, 2023
    1 reply

    They got his ass on camera

    What does this reveal though? Does everyone think he was using crutches on stage and then tossed them as soon as the show ended, he was walking on stage too..?

  • Apr 20, 2023
    2 replies

    Cool ringer article about this


    All that can be understood is an inescapable sense of anguish. When he addresses the crowd, there is genuine sincerity and authenticity—the desire to engage, but the inability to connect. The prevailing emotion of the set isn’t disappointment or resentment that this is some sort of scam, but rather an obliterating sadness that something sacred has fractured, becoming remote and only intermittently accessible.

    But this is all slightly hyperbolic. It’s reductive to describe it as a complete failure. There is something inherently compelling about watching a preternaturally talented artist struggle to stitch his vastly disparate ideas together. It may make for poor entertainment, but it’s fascinating as a document of unmet ambition. He appears trapped in something that we can’t understand, hounded by demons we can’t see. What most in the crowd are responding to is the death of something that Ocean cannot control. The outsized expectations that had made him infallible, a timeless avatar of their vanished youth, the dark reality that what comes unglued cannot always be repaired. For Frank Ocean to no longer be the same Frank Ocean who held them emotionally hostage for a decade meant that they would realize what Andre had told the previous generation: Heroes eventually die, horoscopes often lie.


    In this rendering of a biblical soul ballad, reduced to a weeping guitar and a bleeding piano, Ocean uses that empyrean falsetto, closes his eyes, and pours out every remaining ounce of painful honesty that he can physically summon. It is raw and frail, a wisp of a song that seems to float away from him—but he’s always desperately trying to catch up. Yet it captures the majesty and despair of our human mess, full of glorious errors, far more valuable than a perfect machine

  • Apr 20, 2023

    I haven’t bought anything except for albums that he’s put out and supporting through streaming lol

  • Apr 20, 2023
    2 replies

    mfers in this thread really be like

  • Apr 20, 2023

    What does this reveal though? Does everyone think he was using crutches on stage and then tossed them as soon as the show ended, he was walking on stage too..?

    That walk he doin he on the way to a club/party or some booti

  • Apr 20, 2023
    1 reply

    mfers in this thread really be like

    Where’s your write up sir

  • Apr 20, 2023
    1 reply

    Where’s your write up sir


    frank go to jail

  • ragedsycokiller

    They got his ass on camera


  • Apr 20, 2023

    mfers in this thread really be like

    people discussing music on a music forum

  • Apr 20, 2023


    frank go to jail

    I can expand on that…

    In this essay, we will explore the reasons why people think it is reasonable for Frank Ocean to go to jail, and whether or not this is a fair assessment.

    • Frank Ocean has been accused of various crimes, including d*** possession, driving under the influence, and assaulting his girlfriend. These charges have led some people to believe that he should be punished by going to jail. However, others argue that he should be given the benefit of the doubt and not be judged based on mere speculation.

    • One of the main reasons why people believe that Frank Ocean should go to jail is his history of d*** possession. This is a serious crime that can have severe consequences not only for the individual but also for society as a whole. D*** abuse can lead to addiction, which can, in turn, result in criminal activities such as theft or violent behavior. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that someone who possesses d**** is a potential threat to society.

    • Another reason why people think Frank Ocean should go to jail is his alleged assault on his girlfriend. Domestic violence is a serious crime that can have long-lasting effects on the victim's physical and mental health. It is a violation of human rights and should not be tolerated under any circumstances. Therefore, if Frank Ocean is found guilty of assaulting his girlfriend, he should be punished accordingly.

    • However, some argue that Frank Ocean should not be judged based on mere speculation and that he should be given the benefit of the doubt. It is essential to remember that everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and we should not jump to conclusions without proper evidence. Moreover, it is crucial to consider the context in which the alleged crime occurred and whether or not it was self-defense or a mistake.

    In conclusion, the question of whether or not it is reasonable for Frank Ocean to go to jail is a complex one that requires careful consideration. While he has been accused of various crimes, it is essential to remember that he is innocent until proven guilty. Moreover, we should not jump to conclusions without proper evidence and should consider the context in which the alleged crime occurred. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to send Frank Ocean to jail should be based on the facts and the law, not on speculation or personal bias.

  • Apr 20, 2023

    They got his ass on camera


  • Apr 20, 2023

    They got his ass on camera


  • Apr 20, 2023
    1 reply

    my co workers were all disappointed lol

    Ppl in real life are also baffled at this performance

    My coworker who I’ve never talked to about Frank before literally just brought it up saying it was trash.

    And that dude thinks all the hate is only coming from online echo chambers

  • Apr 20, 2023
    1 reply

    I bet you Frank can't even publicly apologize to fans because it can used in a lawsuit for refunds

  • Apr 20, 2023

    My coworker who I’ve never talked to about Frank before literally just brought it up saying it was trash.

    And that dude thinks all the hate is only coming from online echo chambers

    He’s in own own echo chamber of 1 plus his 2 friends

  • Apr 20, 2023

    So soon... the hype it real!

  • Apr 20, 2023

    I bet you Frank can't even publicly apologize to fans because it can used in a lawsuit for refunds

    Bro can apologise. He just hates us