did y'all see Beau is Afraid
not yet lol overtime week been so busy then the idea of sitting in a theater for 3 hours after is blowing my mind
Turning his Coachella performance into a racial issue by saying he was “sticking it to all those rich white fans” is the ultimate cope like I’ve never seen before
It's very diverse crowd too lol. I've been 8 times, and it's a mix of every race and socioeconomic class. People using that claim are utterly ignorant.
@hmm now that dust is settled come back and explain
Frank Hub apparently in the works with multiple groupbuys lined up
why tf would this need a spoiler tag
Frank Hub apparently in the works with multiple groupbuys lined up
What is frank hub??
What is frank hub??
private discord server being organized to run Frank GBs. Usually artist hubs are public, but these gotta be run on the dl so franks team doesnt interfere
@op pm
private discord server being organized to run Frank GBs. Usually artist hubs are public, but these gotta be run on the dl so franks team doesnt interfere
Frank sending the goons...
Frank sending the goons...
By goons you mean a bunch of fashion sxn nerds
Frank Hub apparently in the works with multiple groupbuys lined up
good. If he isn’t gonna drop, he deserves to have everything leaked
Probably made the wrong career choice then
I just wanna be private and steal from my fans in peace 🥺 leave me alone and buy things that I will not ship
This Solo edit >>>
i wonder how they got the mix so clear
Provider and Lost, my two favorite Frank songs, buried under the frenzy of drums in that DJ set is the perfect portrait of the overall show to me. Moments of brilliance you're so familiar with presented in such a whirl-winded way.