this is rocky's lead videographer
yeah.. point proven he’s not in franks camp
nabil, tyrone lebon, spike ..
all videos that have never leaked i wonder why
He got homer on in the video
He got homer on in the video
that makes sense
he said he started working on it in 2019
Easiest way to find out when this was shot is to find out when his hair was dyed that color
This man is rarely ever seen outside though
looks a little enhanced compared to what I DL'd
Lmao, if the director is really the one behind the leak then he's really dumb af and just ruined his career
don't most of rocky's new music videos leak also?
only taylor swift leaked
Lmao, if the director is really the one behind the leak then he's really dumb af and just ruined his career
crazy because i was in contact w bro in 2018 when his editor accidentally leaked sundress early via his professional vimeo
only taylor swift leaked
his vid for sundress leaked too
slowthai was prob mad as hell he got to be in a frank vid thT never dropped lmao
crazy because i was in contact w bro in 2018 when his editor accidentally leaked sundress early via his professional vimeo
wasn't herojuana blunts also found on vimeo before that got put out
slowthai was prob mad as hell he got to be in a frank vid thT never dropped lmao
the first six words were enough
wasn't herojuana blunts also found on vimeo before that got put out
i dont remember i was a wee lad smoking too much weed
This will either push him to say something or pretty much disappear
You know he's never gonna say anything about it
This will either push him to say something or pretty much disappear
Frank the type of dude to make a Tumblr post at 12am on a Tuesday to address everything
They snitched on that man IMMEDIATELY lmao hid replies like some pussies
testing rollout was too funny man pretty sure LD was the one to let rocky team know that Bad Company went up early on some middle eastern streaming app
frank tomorrow after he also convinces asap mob to beat up hidjifilms
They gonna get hidji on the vlunts and we will never hear of him again
This will either push him to say something or pretty much disappear
guess which one hes gonna choose