  • pleasures

    I love that lyric ... I wanna drink your words like wineeee

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    Cayendo and Dear April are some of the best songs he's ever written. It's a shame people tend to consider them subpar for Frank.

    Still need the Justice Remix on streaming

    They said it’s his call to do so too

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    feeling august

  • Everest

    my frank obsessive musical inclinations have been dormant for a while but the snippet lit all back up


    I read your diary, every line
    I wanna drink your words like wine
    I read your diary, every line
    I wanna drink your words like wine

    that part, the lyrics/the melody/the synth bass that comes in/the guitar chords all reminded me of how singular and levels above of s*** he is. legit had me like

    Can’t get away from this snippet. There’s something about the way he writes that just clicks for me

  • Snippet is so good. I actually do need frank music. Damn

  • Olaf

    I don't like the snippet. The last Frank song I really liked was Lens and I refuse to check the year, but everything is almost a decade ago with our guy now. I won't ever change my profile pic. I'm a dinosaur too.

    Bandana avi users in 2025

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    Cayendo and Dear April are some of the best songs he's ever written. It's a shame people tend to consider them subpar for Frank.

    I have no problem saying cayendo acoustic aged better than anything on blonde atp

  • Fr since the snippet I’ve ran thru Endless a bunch of times

  • Not to mention the singles, Provider w the extended intro

  • fiveprestos

    I have no problem saying cayendo acoustic aged better than anything on blonde atp

    this is crazy

  • carti dropped frank next , this summer

  • mmm fendi

    feeling august

    august 2026

  • fiveprestos

    I have no problem saying cayendo acoustic aged better than anything on blonde atp

    reach, but it's on the same level as anything from blonde

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    backshot basquiat

    this is crazy

    what do you think is better?

    I like brevity and sparseness from Frank and his usage of both was elevated on cayendo compared to seigfried for example imo

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    I have inside sources saying tonight

  • CutiePieHole

    I have inside sources saying tonight

    I trust you

  • Antidote

    Still need the Justice Remix on streaming

    They said it’s his call to do so too

    I have it and Cayendo remix local files uploaded via Apple Music so I have them available at least, but it would be cool if they were more easily accessible.

  • i been stripped of a lot, as much as i've been gifted

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    1 reply

    what do you think is better?

    I like brevity and sparseness from Frank and his usage of both was elevated on cayendo compared to seigfried for example imo

    seigfried is his best song ever you're so wrong

  • cayendo isn't touching anything on blonde songwriting wise either

  • hell cayendo isn't even touching summer remains as far as that lowkey sound goes

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    seigfried is his best song ever you're so wrong

    overthought and aged like milk

  • fiveprestos

    overthought and aged like milk

    That's only because u played it a tetrabillion times

  • fiveprestos

    overthought and aged like milk

    how the f*** did it age like milk? like what are you even saying

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    also whoever liked that i'm shooting in the back of the head like of mice and men btw