What when did that happen
only to execs and label people but yeah he played them some and reportedly its really good
Don't think a radio program will ever capture the same feeling as Blonded 001-007...
Don't think a radio program will ever capture the same feeling as Blonded 001-007...
The episode that premiered DHL was the closest thing to that since
the fact that he's previewing music is the craziest part about all this IMO
yea, I don't think he would be previewing music to people unless its either ready or very close to being done
The episode that premiered DHL was the closest thing to that since
blonded 008 was so good
Don't think a radio program will ever capture the same feeling as Blonded 001-007...
best times ever fr
radio looks to be making a return.....
I’m still taking this in
for some reason the 4 years between channel orange and blonde felt 5x longer than the 5 years its been since blonde
i will die if i dont get frank ocean music
Don't think a radio program will ever capture the same feeling as Blonded 001-007...
That last Fri Yiy episode on S42 is probably the closest thing tbh but yeah Blonded is undefeated
yea, I don't think he would be previewing music to people unless its either ready or very close to being done
facts it seems finished or very close to but now its just a matter of when
also dude is a perfectionist so he's still probably tweaking something daily
hearing biking and provider for the first time felt unreal
for some reason the 4 years between channel orange and blonde felt 5x longer than the 5 years its been since blonde
i will die if i dont get frank ocean music
cuz the four years between channel orange and blonde frank went ghost ghost, no loose singles or interviews, only a couple tumblr posts and that aaliyah cover
the fact that he's previewing music is the craziest part about all this IMO
the demand for his music is so high I wouldn’t be surprised if a exec from one of the meetings just pull up voice recorder 🤣 on sum secret Leakth.is member s***
Bringing Cody was actually a genius marketing move, haven’t seen this much coverage on Frank in years and this was free