ppl saying an almost identical m3 to the nostalgia ultra cover was spotted yesterday right in front of the coachella city sign
saw pics too
ppl saying an almost identical m3 to the nostalgia ultra cover was spotted yesterday right in front of the coachella city sign
saw pics too
Paypa Boy
ppl saying an almost identical m3 to the nostalgia ultra cover was spotted yesterday right in front of the coachella city sign
saw pics too
Show the damn pics tf
Source on Blonde vinyl being sold at Coachella?
Coachella tweet about there being a record store at the fest
hoping we get something
i mean the fact that there’s an M3 right in front of the Coachella sign on 4/7/23 after paypa boy’s texts said the exact same thing
i mean
i mean the fact that there’s an M3 right in front of the Coachella sign on 4/7/23 after paypa boy’s texts said the exact same thing
i mean
we are f***ing winning
at this point if he actually drops a record id be paranoid he’d end up removing it lmaoo
ppl saying an almost identical m3 to the nostalgia ultra cover was spotted yesterday right in front of the coachella city sign
saw pics too
Nostalgia ultra on streaming
Album cover shoot tomorrow
hopefully not nostalgia ultra streaming version album cover tho
From the scheule on the ig story that dude posted a while back
I’m very hesitant to believe Frank got American Wedding cleared for streaming services