Listening to Endless for the first time in a while, Wither really a magnum opus
Blasted would like to chat
Nah but all jokes aside Blasted is a close second GOAT Frank song for me. Number one is Eyes Like Sky
im ready for him to redefine stage shows with this show lmaoo we need it from a pop culture standpoint right now
the projects that homer radio played at least 2 songs from (not including repeat plays) are:
They recently played a second song from cash cobain and chow lee’s “2 slizzy 2 sexy deluxe”
the projects that homer radio played at least 2 songs from (not including repeat plays) are:
Rosalia collab coming.
sorry fam i hadn’t had dinner yet i love u
lol its all love I am just setting chill expectations
Rosalia collab coming.
He was supposed to be on motomami idk what happened
He was supposed to be on motomami idk what happened
would’ve made a classic classic-er
lol its all love I am just setting chill expectations
the shambles in 2 weeks when all we get is a new live clip of “thinkin bout you” and a new homer collection is gonna be sooo fun
It’s just a beat lmao
I just view rushes and rushes to as a singular song
the shambles in 2 weeks when all we get is a new live clip of “thinkin bout you” and a new homer collection is gonna be sooo fun
I just want to be able to buy something from Frank online this weekend
would love another blonde or endless vinyl
the shambles in 2 weeks when all we get is a new live clip of “thinkin bout you” and a new homer collection is gonna be sooo fun
Ahem, you’re missing the extremely vague yet generic blonded clothing drop
Yeah, you don’t want to be with someone who has poor taste like that.
meanwhile current bae knew 4 Tears before we even met
Ahem, you’re missing the extremely vague yet generic blonded clothing drop
that 150$ hoody wont buy itself