F*** I’m h****
This is a beautiful song
Really don’t think Frank is dropping tonight. Can’t see he’d release new music right before Coachella when he could’ve released earlier to give fans time to learn the words and melodies. Given from what we’ve seen his set looks to just be a celebration of his music career as a whole. Maybe he’ll perform a new song and tease that he’s dropping soon but that’s about it.
Better than franks whole discog if Im Being real
I wouldn’t expect anything before next Friday. I think the best case scenario is he performs a new song or multiple and drops next week. Worst case being of course that there’s no mention of new material and we just get two performances
Same I definitely think he planned to cap the 2020 rollout with the album then coachella. This def might be the opposite where coachella kickstarts the rollout and the album follows shortly after in the weeks/months ahead