Frank in Paris now there’s no way he ain’t working on some sort of project (art / homer / music) with all this travelling
Frank in Paris now there’s no way he ain’t working on some sort of project (art / homer / music) with all this travelling
in paris?
First PrEP+ party 2 years ago today
Cayendo + Dear April previewed
His second best era imo.
obvi he was post to drop 2020, sucks he didnt. 2020 perfect time to drop. everyone got more involved in the internet and hype (including me). seems like he has more to say now bc of his brothers death tho.
The gears are turning behind AM and Spotify drapes... as I type this the new album's final masters are being sent in to DSPs to be uploaded. A Saturday drop, akin to Blonde 5 years ago will once again cause the internet to come to a halt and revere at what Frank Ocean has delivered his ever-patient fans this time around.
30 mins brehs.........
when the apple music one changes we'll know its go time
its officially go time please buckle down for this long and treacherous journey we are about to embark on
the apple music profile pic changed on mobile as well.
New era has commenced. Feel like the apple music profile pic change is pretty significant cause he hasn't changed that since blonde release