only for him to drop merch on his website for double the price, half the design and quality and even longer shipping dates
Can’t wait until Frank sends a lookalike out to cover his songs
Prank Ocean
bmw clouting off a car they don’t even make anymore is so foul
they really got interns fitting random frank lyrics into their ads
Apparently Frank is doing a Jai and deciding on wether it’ll be live streamed after he’s done it
Apparently Frank is doing a Jai and deciding on wether it’ll be live streamed after he’s done it
Prank Ocean
Frank ocean when he drops out of coachella 10 minutes before his performance after having an entire ice rink built
@op update title
It's over
practising on a whole movie soundstage vs in a normal rehearsal space ??
Is that the f***ing movie gossips were talking about ?
im gonna end my life ngl
this is almost worse than the empty merch tent