man stream or not idec i just need big bro to play some new s*** and someone to upload their s***ty and shaky live recording so i know new music is coming
idec about seeing the nigga perform like that dawg
Just got escorted out of Coachella after trying to buy one
How Im gonna know if it fits if I cant try it on
anything for franklin
Also aren’t Bjork/Frank doing something together between their sets?
Seems like the guys running the stream have no idea and don’t know what to put down
Tbh i hope so. If im not there no one deserve happiness
Hate that rich influencers kids are being rewarded like this.
Frank would never eat the rich because he wants so badly to be one of them.
watching the 18 pixel motorola cell phone footage of frank ocean performing little demon at coachella at 6:30 am
Bruh!!! I honestly don’t know why I’m still a fan of this nigga at this point. I may have Stockholm syndrome or something.
man stream or not idec i just need big bro to play some new s*** and someone to upload their s***ty and shaky live recording so i know new music is coming
idec about seeing the nigga perform like that dawg
tik tok gon have it within the hour!
Also aren’t Bjork/Frank doing something together between their sets?
Seems like the guys running the stream have no idea and don’t know what to put down
Where you get this from
Cant focus on my game or tv show until i understand if theres a stream tonight or not....
watching the 18 pixel motorola cell phone footage of frank ocean performing little demon at coachella at 6:30 am
Cant focus on my game or tv show until i understand if theres a stream tonight or not....
No stream tonight, go to bed
Wonder what franks doing rn
Flying out of the valley as we speak
Wonder what franks doing rn
topping me
just called out of work for this week so i can stay up for the stream