It does sound like grade an ass, but will not give final opinion till the inevitable leak.
Incredible. F*** that dhl/in my room s***
this isn’t little demon
It does sound like grade an ass, but will not give final opinion till the inevitable leak.
sounds like it was recording at the same time as DHL
could this be that project he has with the silhouettes?
Sounds good and all but in end it doesn't really sound that different to anything he released so far. It's only a snippet so i don't want to judge but I hope he comes with a new sound after 7 years
Sounds good and all but in end it doesn't really sound that different to anything he released so far. It's only a snippet so i don't want to judge but I hope he comes with a new sound after 7 years
don’t get why niggas say “7 years” as if he hasn’t released a good amount of music since then which he has. The last song he dropped is coming on two years in December, a while ago but not D’Angelo levels where we only got one song after Black Messiah and that was for a game (unshaken fire though), making that ONE song in NINE YEARS. Makes Frank look like he droppin’ frequently. Plus we got some leaks since then this year, and that Coachella performance which most people consider a huge L but is actually fire once you get past the controversy. All in all he movin slowly but he has definitely put s*** out here and there
and that’s not even counting Homer/Homer radio which has come out every week since oct 2022 and is mostly nonstop fire
fraud ocean/wank lotion fans eat up the most basic boring mid s***e imaginable and call it the greatest music to ever exist
bro is deadass monotone chit chattering through an autotune filter over some farty sounding synths all this mysterious waiting for this. unbelievable
don’t get why niggas say “7 years” as if he hasn’t released a good amount of music since then which he has. The last song he dropped is coming on two years in December, a while ago but not D’Angelo levels where we only got one song after Black Messiah and that was for a game (unshaken fire though), making that ONE song in NINE YEARS. Makes Frank look like he droppin’ frequently. Plus we got some leaks since then this year, and that Coachella performance which most people consider a huge L but is actually fire once you get past the controversy. All in all he movin slowly but he has definitely put s*** out here and there
and that’s not even counting Homer/Homer radio which has come out every week since oct 2022 and is mostly nonstop fire
Homer radio is awesome