So many people who have never written a decent song in their lives in this thread ripping a demo to shreds
And you wonder why artists are hesitant to put s*** out
bunch of consumers fr
don’t get why niggas say “7 years” as if he hasn’t released a good amount of music since then which he has. The last song he dropped is coming on two years in December, a while ago but not D’Angelo levels where we only got one song after Black Messiah and that was for a game (unshaken fire though), making that ONE song in NINE YEARS. Makes Frank look like he droppin’ frequently. Plus we got some leaks since then this year, and that Coachella performance which most people consider a huge L but is actually fire once you get past the controversy. All in all he movin slowly but he has definitely put s*** out here and there
and that’s not even counting Homer/Homer radio which has come out every week since oct 2022 and is mostly nonstop fire
take it from someone who was there, the Coachella performance was NOT fire
take it from someone who was there, the Coachella performance was NOT fire
I get that you feel like you got ripped off but I didn't pay any money and I liked what I saw and heard outside of the actual ass parts like him just playing nikes and nights off the PA. I liked whenever he was actually performing.
What I was actually able to see that is, biggest L of that whole thing is this nigga not letting it be livestreamed. I bet public opinion of the whole thing would be significantly better if we had high quality footage and audio of some of these performances, I mean that nightlife cover... god damn. But I would also feel a way if I witnessed that s*** in person. Either way I still like the parts of the performance that were actually a performance and not d***ing around
So many people who have never written a decent song in their lives in this thread ripping a demo to shreds
And you wonder why artists are hesitant to put s*** out
bunch of consumers fr
fr ppl hating like crazy itt lmfao
One side of the spectrum u got people saying frank is washed
Other side of it people are crying saying he’s baaack Jesus has returned etc.
Why can’t we just be like oh cool Frank hasn’t shared any new music with us in 2 years nice to see him acknowledging it in some way, maybe not my style but whatever it’s cool and move on with your day
You have every single song ever on your phone don’t be so pressed about a piece of one that hasn’t even been released lmao
One side of the spectrum u got people saying frank is washed
Other side of it people are crying saying he’s baaack Jesus has returned etc.
Why can’t we just be like oh cool Frank hasn’t shared any new music with us in 2 years nice to see him acknowledging it in some way, maybe not my style but whatever it’s cool and move on with your day
You have every single song ever on your phone don’t be so pressed about a piece of one that hasn’t even been released lmao
Boring little grey nothing takes are lame
I support people feeling passionate about music and reacting based on that
Not that they have to be rude about it but yeah
Just say u don’t know ball
they’re both not good stop playing devils advocate c***
take it from someone who was there, the Coachella performance was NOT fire
lmaoo idk i was also there and i disagree, i am a card carrying frank stan tho
Fan base will consider this as a major update and nothing will happen for the next 2 years
Love the synths, he def on some different s*** with the vocals will take some time to get used to if this actually ever drops
they’re both not good stop playing devils advocate c***
Dennis is averaging 17pts and 8 assist a game on good efficiency.
Don’t call me a c*** when you don’t show s*** about basketball D***HEAD!
Dennis is averaging 17pts and 8 assist a game on good efficiency.
Don’t call me a c*** when you don’t show s*** about basketball D***HEAD!
averaging these numbers in a s*** team in a s*** conference doesn’t move me. not to mention you are being a devils advocate considering caruso and german boy aren’t superstars even if they were good (which they aren’t)
averaging these numbers in a s*** team in a s*** conference doesn’t move me. not to mention you are being a devils advocate considering caruso and german boy aren’t superstars even if they were good (which they aren’t)
Again proving you don’t know the game
The east isn’t a s*** conference, especially when you consider the fact the raptors are in probably one of the best divisions in the league.
Stick to music lol
Can’t even get excited cause you know this is never dropping lol
Why would you get excited over this lmfaooo