Again proving you don’t know the game
The east isn’t a s*** conference, especially when you consider the fact the raptors are in probably one of the best divisions in the league.
Stick to music lol
the east is dogshit. niggas get pammed year on year out without giannis greatness and kd achilles/klay acl going it’d be western champions only since 2016. that miami team can somehow always reach an ecf final even with how average their squad is. pathetic conference. you know what i was implying with that pic trying to act like either of them average 25ppg and 10 assists
So many people who have never written a decent song in their lives in this thread ripping a demo to shreds
And you wonder why artists are hesitant to put s*** out
bunch of consumers fr
The ”demo” or whatever u wanna call it to make u feel better was ass #respectfully #gocryboutit
the east is dogshit. niggas get pammed year on year out without giannis greatness and kd achilles/klay acl going it’d be western champions only since 2016. that miami team can somehow always reach an ecf final even with how average their squad is. pathetic conference. you know what i was implying with that pic trying to act like either of them average 25ppg and 10 assists
U the type of nigga to go off names and reputation and not actually watching the league
Gotta say I hate this at least lyrically
Like ok Frank has always been one of like THE millennial gen artists but he had so much of his own unique style that it was never corny in the way a lot of millennial s*** is. But just based off this he's totally giving in to that sterile ass way millennials discuss relationships which has this pseudo-self aware bulllshit psych 101 language. Which he I think is tapping into here
This sounds like Frank selling out in a thematic way imo
ur doing too much
frank an amazing writer and has great taste in aesthetics but when it comes to making music and overall artistry please stop comparing him with The weeknd, you can tell who actually puts time, dedication and money into this s*** and who just uses mediocre yt beats and calls it a day
u think frank uses yt beats?
fraud ocean/wank lotion fans eat up the most basic boring mid s***e imaginable and call it the greatest music to ever exist
bro is deadass monotone chit chattering through an autotune filter over some farty sounding synths all this mysterious waiting for this. unbelievable
if u don't get it, i can't help u
u think frank uses yt beats?
If I remember correctly, you produced the song in the snippet, right?
I get that you feel like you got ripped off but I didn't pay any money and I liked what I saw and heard outside of the actual ass parts like him just playing nikes and nights off the PA. I liked whenever he was actually performing.
What I was actually able to see that is, biggest L of that whole thing is this nigga not letting it be livestreamed. I bet public opinion of the whole thing would be significantly better if we had high quality footage and audio of some of these performances, I mean that nightlife cover... god damn. But I would also feel a way if I witnessed that s*** in person. Either way I still like the parts of the performance that were actually a performance and not d***ing around
i thought the remixes of his songs were rlly cool and the live singing parts were rlly nice
i rlly like this sht, frank not even doing anything that crazy or weird, idk how ppl hating this w a passion
If I remember correctly, you produced the song in the snippet, right?
nah bro it was all @pussy_bacon
fraud ocean/wank lotion fans eat up the most basic boring mid s***e imaginable and call it the greatest music to ever exist
bro is deadass monotone chit chattering through an autotune filter over some farty sounding synths all this mysterious waiting for this. unbelievable
Drake and Nicki stan
U the type of nigga to go off names and reputation and not actually watching the league
i don’t care what type of nigga you think i am. those niggas are trash end of discussion
Boring little grey nothing takes are lame
I support people feeling passionate about music and reacting based on that
Not that they have to be rude about it but yeah
What other take you're supposed to have on a snippet? Both sides reactions are overblown on a short lil demo
i rlly like this sht, frank not even doing anything that crazy or weird, idk how ppl hating this w a passion
bc frank's an ass and hype through the roof
it's easy for that wave to start
Sounds nice, I like it.
That snippet is already leagues ahead of what the rest of the R&B scene is on
That snippet is already leagues ahead of what the rest of the R&B scene is on
Gotta say I hate this at least lyrically
Like ok Frank has always been one of like THE millennial gen artists but he had so much of his own unique style that it was never corny in the way a lot of millennial s*** is. But just based off this he's totally giving in to that sterile ass way millennials discuss relationships which has this pseudo-self aware bulllshit psych 101 language. Which he I think is tapping into here
This sounds like Frank selling out in a thematic way imo
Damn I kinda agree with this