in that article saying he seems to have been seriously in talks to already have filming for this wrapped last year... wonder if/ hope this went through.
could turn out a pretty insane year for him. it can be excruciating being a fan but Frank does like to come back with a bang... loves to prove ppl wrong who keep insinuating he's just wasting time.
man if this really gets completed, and makes it to a wide release, the impact would be insane.
it’s exciting to see musicians getting these opportunities, i saw taylor swift got a deal as well
kinda shocking that tyler and donald glover haven’t directed features yet but i’m sure it’ll happen
If it’s anything like the screenplay in the Boys Don’t Cry magazine this is about to be nuclear levels of pretentiousness
that woman cute as hell
if you mean BDC, then sure. frank took many photos for the magazine
Damn og frank fam dnt got an avi, what happen
Id rather a film than an album from him
Disagree simply on the basis that film doesn’t have the relatability or personal impact that music usually does, imo
don't think this'll happen but it seems far likelier than him releasing any new music at this point and might be the closure fans need
Disagree simply on the basis that film doesn’t have the relatability or personal impact that music usually does, imo
I think the best reason to disagree is because he's not a proven director or screenwriter.
At least with Donald and Tyler they both direct their music videos, and Donald was a tv writer before he blew up as a musician.
This MF Frank barely even has any music videos, let alone directs them lol
I think the best reason to disagree is because he's not a proven director or screenwriter.
At least with Donald and Tyler they both direct their music videos, and Donald was a tv writer before he blew up as a musician.
This MF Frank barely even has any music videos, let alone directs them lol
i'd say he's proven his pen enough, and he has written at least one pretty interesting screenplay. but yeah of course a lot more goes into actual filmmaking for sure
i'd say he's proven his pen enough, and he has written at least one pretty interesting screenplay. but yeah of course a lot more goes into actual filmmaking for sure
aaah i didnt know he had screenplays out there
Disagree simply on the basis that film doesn’t have the relatability or personal impact that music usually does, imo
interesting. do you watch a lot of movies?