Some poor producer is gonna fork over millions for Frank to just f*** off set one day and never come back because some costume pictures got leaked
I feel like Frank Ocean would make a movie like Sorry To Bother You
definitely not, frank clearly completely lacks that particular class conscious genius of boots. unless you're referring to just the general weirdness which even still probably not
Disagree simply on the basis that film doesn’t have the relatability or personal impact that music usually does, imo
you clearly havent seen many movies
Disagree simply on the basis that film doesn’t have the relatability or personal impact that music usually does, imo
have you ever seen Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle?
definitely not, frank clearly completely lacks that particular class conscious genius of boots. unless you're referring to just the general weirdness which even still probably not
I’m referring to the horse cocks
He’s the kind of guy to leave the set after four days of shooting. Although he did build that staircase.
I feel like Frank Ocean would make a movie like Sorry To Bother You
that movie was such dog s***
I feel like Frank Ocean would make a movie like Sorry To Bother You
Nah. He'd make some Drama or more likely romantic.