i didnt even have to create a lincoln account, your voucher link worked for me instantly. good looks
How where do u cancel?
Click on manage subscription and it should take u to the website where u can click cancel
hifi mostly a gimmick, 99% of the people can't tell the difference between regular 320 MP3 and FLAC.
not even between 128/256 MP3 s*** made to charge more.
if u only listen to music on airpods then i guess
if u only listen to music on airpods then i guess
nah I got decent headphones (beyerdynamic dt770pro)
nah I got decent headphones (beyerdynamic dt770pro)
Thriller, FutureSexLoveSounds, NFR, Stankonia and Sgt Peppers are some albums that sound noticeably more detailed/less muddy in FLAC compared to MP3 for me. I think it depends a lot on the mix
Too late now. The grant money is faneto. You can only get the loan now, and I think even that is ending sometime this month, if it hasn’t already.
Click on manage subscription and it should take u to the website where u can click cancel
if i cancel now will the trial run for the 6 months ?