I got y'all
This gon work? I got booted off da last 1 last night I think it’s because jay z sold it?
This gon work? I got booted off da last 1 last night I think it’s because jay z sold it?
wym the last one? If you mean the Lincoln one, your 6 months prob just ran out
This gon work? I got booted off da last 1 last night I think it’s because jay z sold it?
i still have mine, but its gonna expire soon and ill be charged.
I got y'all
u a real nigga bro
I'd rather pay my Apple subscription monthly
Congrats on being smug about paying for a service with inferior audio quality, who also doesn't pay artists as much.
Congrats on being smug about paying for a service with inferior audio quality, who also doesn't pay artists as much.
Don't care
Convenient app