Copeland looks up before every answer. These questions are just background questions but he really doesn't want to answer.
Do you have any criminal convictions?
Copeland: Of course.
Do you know how many?
Copeland: I don't keep up with that.
Wow im suprised he’s testifying. But tbh I was also surprised when he chose not to at first. Maybe the weekend in jail made him change his mind
Copeland testifies that he has multiple nicknames, including Woody.
"People who don't know me call me Woody," Copeland said.
I wonder what happened that made him change his mind.
Is Shannon from Atlanta?
Copeland: I don't know
When you first met him, where did you meet him?
Copeland: Who?
Judge Glanville just gave Brian Steel 5 minutes to tell him how Steel received info about a meeting between Glanville, the state & Copeland’s attorney. The judge says Steel will be held in contempt if he doesn’t divulge. So far, Steel is refusing and says he doesn’t need 5 mins.
Glanville left the bench as Steel continued to argue that what happened in the meeting was coercion. He says, Copeland agreed to testify only after the state told him he’d be in jail until the cases of all defendants (including the severed ones) concludes.
Steel said he was told that Kenneth "Lil Woody" Copeland ADMITTED in chambers this morning that he killed Donovan "Nut" Thomas, with the judge and prosecution present.
BREAKING NEWS: thug is probably not getting out then. Thats so sad. If Woody admitted he killed Nut I mean isnt that a wrap more or less?
Wow thug is probably not getting out then. Thats so sad. If Woody admitted he killed Nut I mean isnt that a wrap more or less?
No idea
We're gonna have to wait and see how this plays out
No idea
We're gonna have to wait and see how this plays out
What happens if steel is held in contempt of court?