  • Jul 19

    She goes through the list of all remaining pending motions. She won't hear any of them today but will hear them in the coming week.

  • Jul 19

    Steel cites case law showing that if a motion to recuse was initially denied, then later granted (like what happened here) everything that happened after the initial motion to recuse is "invalid".

    Specifically, Woody's last couple of days of testimony.

  • Jul 19

    Attorney Max Schardt, for shannon stillwell, also wants the Judge to re-visit the admissibility of Woody's testimony as a co-conspirator as a whole.

  • Jul 19

    Judge Whitaker makes it clear she really wants to avoid going back and reconsidering evidentiary rulings from Glanville. She wants to move forward only.

    She agrees she is open to looking into reconsidering Woody's testimony admissibility because he is still a sworn witness.

  • Jul 19

    Judge Whitaker says she has not followed the case.

    The jury has been told they are excused the next 2 weeks, so they will be back at the earliest August 5th.

    She sets a rough deadline for motions July 23rd, and State's responses for July 26th, and hear them week of July 29.

  • Jul 19

    Ms. Love says a multiple motions (and responses) from the state are coming too, and she will follow the Tuesday July 23rd deadline for those.

    She also will be submitting a list of all of Glanville's previous rulings to make it easier for Judge Whitaker to catch up.

  • Jul 19

    Judge Whitaker is going to ask Ms. Weaver (Glanville's court reporter) to prepare previous transcripts, and give her the agreed upon exhibit list.

    Judge Whitaker's current court reporter is retiring next week so we'll only have 1 week to get to know her.

  • Whitaker is laying down a lot of ground rules.

    • Cut down on the amount of clothes, no one needs more than 5 outfits.

    • No more headphones in the middle of trial

  • Jul 19
    1 reply

    Judge Whitaker asks the state for a "realistic set of witnesses" , what counts the witnesses go to, and what they expect the witnesses will testify to.

    She will exclude any witnesses she deems "cumulative"

  • Jul 19

    Judge Whitaker says the few things she's seen from this case gave her the impression that tempers were getting really high and lawyers got a bit unprofessional at times.

    She hopes this gap has served as a "breather", expecting that everyone remains professional going forward.

  • Jul 19

    Full Stream

  • insertcoolnamehere โœŠ๐Ÿฟ
    Jul 19

    we gon find out months later glanville had some personal investment in this case lol

  • How close is my goat to freedom ?

  • New judge is so strict
    Glanvile comeback ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

  • Jul 26
    1 reply

    So how unlikely is this?

  • Jul 31
    2 replies

    they rly had another secret meeting 3 days before the first one we knew about

    dis trial so cooked

  • Aiko

    they rly had another secret meeting 3 days before the first one we knew about

    dis trial so cooked

    corrupt case.

    Free thug

  • Jul 31

    So how unlikely is this?

    Judge says no

  • Jul 31

    (this was yesterday)

  • Silas

    Judge Whitaker asks the state for a "realistic set of witnesses" , what counts the witnesses go to, and what they expect the witnesses will testify to.

    She will exclude any witnesses she deems "cumulative"

    She cutting the s*** โœ‚๏ธ

  • Aiko

    they rly had another secret meeting 3 days before the first one we knew about

    dis trial so cooked

    yea thats wild

  • Jul 31

    Judge Whitaker says she wants to tell the jury that "we needed a new judge" and nothing more than that.

    Brian Steel objects and says the jury needs to know Glanville was removed for his conduct.

  • Jul 31

    Next, Judge Whitaker briefly addresses Doug Weinstein's supplemented Motion for Mistrial.

    She says she will take it into consideration with the other mistrial motions she plans to rule on.

  • Jul 31

    Weinstein highlights the time that the State violated discovery orders and Glanville's response was "if this was a civil trial i would have kept it out" but he let it in.

    Weinstein argues that he would think the standards are higher in a criminal trial about someone's LIFE

  • Jul 31

    We're going back to the argument about Woody's interviews.

    State argues because Woody said " Everything I ever said was a lie" it allows them to bring in all of his previous statements as impeachment by "prior inconsistent statements".

    State arguing now.