  • Nov 10, 2021
    p r o v i d e r

    This thread has not left the top of the music sxn for days maybe I will have to listen to it

    This right up your alley

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Nov 10, 2021
    3 replies

    casuals wouldve overlooked this if it was on clb like they overlook all the amazing tracks on clb. people dont know how to consume albums anymore without calling it mid or trash after skimming through once

  • Nov 10, 2021
    2 replies

    casuals wouldve overlooked this if it was on clb like they overlook all the amazing tracks on clb. people dont know how to consume albums anymore without calling it mid or trash after skimming through once

    Yeah one thing I’ve noticed is Drake loosies always get more love than album cuts not because they’re better but how they’re consumed. With one off tracks like this they come expectations free and have their own singular moment where people can live with that track specifically. Album cuts just as good like Race My Mind or F***ing Fans are lost within the discourse of the whole album and don’t have their own moment to stand on.

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Nov 10, 2021

    Yeah one thing I’ve noticed is Drake loosies always get more love than album cuts not because they’re better but how they’re consumed. With one off tracks like this they come expectations free and have their own singular moment where people can live with that track specifically. Album cuts just as good like Race My Mind or F***ing Fans are lost within the discourse of the whole album and don’t have their own moment to stand on.

    Exactly what I've been thinking for a while now.

    Idk where it went wrong though, especially since drake's best tracks are on the albums and not released as singles. Are we hearing too many cusuals voices since Views? Like people who only got into him because of IYRITL and started trashing everything after. Is it because we forgot how to consume albums? Is it because ''if its not tc/nwts its trash''?

    Everytime Drake drops an album ''its his worst'' but after 2-3years those same people change their opinion to ''scorpion was actually great compared to clb''

  • Nov 10, 2021
    1 reply

    Once again, another morning before work, I find myself belting this song out loud in the car pressing the skip back button once it ends.

    This song is legit crack

  • Nov 10, 2021

    I wanna put some s*** on you 🥺

  • Nov 10, 2021

    Once again, another morning before work, I find myself belting this song out loud in the car pressing the skip back button once it ends.

    This song is legit crack

  • Nov 10, 2021

  • Nov 10, 2021
    1 reply

    I wanna poop some s*** on youuuu

  • Nov 10, 2021
    1 reply

    Sonically this the sound many of us have been wanting him to make a full project of since 2014.. a true pure OVO sound record meant for midnight cruising and sensual love making only

    It's what I thought OG VFT6 was going to be based off the loosies we got but it never materialized.

  • Nov 10, 2021
    1 reply

    It's what I thought OG VFT6 was going to be based off the loosies we got but it never materialized.


  • Nov 10, 2021
    1 reply


    Eventually led to IYRT but we needed that Days in the East/Can I sounding project

  • Hussle

    Eventually led to IYRT but we needed that Days in the East/Can I sounding project

    It’s lost to the void truly

  • Nov 10, 2021

    someone slide the link please

  • Nov 10, 2021
    1 reply

    anyone have a soundcloud link to the OG version?

  • Nov 10, 2021
    Goddamn Dog

    anyone have a soundcloud link to the OG version?

    Add to @op

    Put a ! in front of the link to embed it

  • Nov 10, 2021

    he on that ramriddlz flow , shoutout ramy

  • Nov 10, 2021

    @op embeds not working cause you have the mobile version of the links. Change it to www. instead of m.

  • Nov 10, 2021

    I wanna poop some s*** on youuuu

    p**** was so underweight 🤧

  • Nov 10, 2021
    1 reply

    this into f***ing fans

  • Nov 10, 2021

    slave to the cat, i purr-ove it

    ⛓ to the 🐱 I’ll purrrrove it

  • Nov 10, 2021

    Where’s the rip of the final version?

  • Nov 10, 2021
    1 reply

    casuals wouldve overlooked this if it was on clb like they overlook all the amazing tracks on clb. people dont know how to consume albums anymore without calling it mid or trash after skimming through once

    Perfectly said.

  • thewb39

    Perfectly said.
